Useful Tips

HOW TO DEVELOP A CHILD IN A YEAR - how to develop logic, attentiveness and fine motor skills of hands

At 1 year old, the baby learns to control the pens and fingers. Help him with this through the game. Just don't forget about the golden rule: games should be fun. You shouldn't turn this process into a drill. If the kid is not interested in the game, do not be discouraged. Play another game with him.

Sorters and constructors

One-year-old children develop a passion for constructors and sorters. And this is good: children's fingers will become more dexterous and more skillful. Play together, talk to your child.

  • Pronounce the colors, so the baby will remember them faster.
  • Use construction details to explain less, more, and large, small.
  • Place the pieces together in piles of different colors. Compare which one is bigger.
  • Build turrets and ask your child which is the highest and which is the highest.

Choose constructors with large blocks that fit in the palm of your hand. Pay attention to the material from which the constructor is made.

  • Wood is a natural fittings. Non-toxic and safe for health.
  • The plastic must be strong and odorless.

Fascinating puzzles are obtained from the details of the constructor. Stick fragments of pictures on them. Then put them together to make a whole. The kid is interested, and you are at the goal. Fingers will be busy with painstaking work that develops fine motor skills.

You don't have to buy toys to develop your child's hand motor skills. Give your baby a plastic bottle and a box with buttons. At first glance, it seems that putting buttons in a bottle is not fun. Kids stick to this game for a long time. Just change the hardware for coins, beans, or beads. And make sure that the little one does not shove small objects into his nose.


Lacing is a real trainer for the development of fine motor skills of fingers and hands, logic and imagination. Show your kid how to pull the lace through the holes. Start with one or two holes, it’s easier for him to remember. Over time, he himself will get the hang of doing it. In the meantime - patience for you!


For lessons with a 1 year old child, choose a mosaic with large details that are easy to insert and remove. It's great if some of the chips are like rattles. Take the simplest ones - in three colors and three shapes, with pictures.

To make it interesting for the child, place the picture under the transparent base with holes. "Decorate" it together, inserting chips into the base using the example of multi-colored images. Or as fantasy suggests. This game works out motor skills and develops children's creativity.


Use the bricks to construct structures and learn colors, image names, and even come up with stories. Such a toy is useful, and with your efforts it will become infinitely fun.

  • Plastic bright. They wash well. It is convenient to take them with you for a walk to the sandbox or to the beach.
  • Wooden ones are completely safe and pleasant to the touch. But this is only if polished and painted with non-toxic water-based paints.

Kinetic sand

Sand play is a mast have for finger dexterity. And it is not necessary to teach a one-year-old toddler to build towers. Let him run his fingers over it, rake in handfuls - whatever you like. Sand has a positive effect on baby's emotions. And the kinetic one does not crumble, but ... flows between the fingers. Grains of this natural material seem to stick to each other, with this much more interesting than fiddling with ordinary sand, clay or plasticine.

And there is no need to be afraid that later you will have to put things in order in the house.Miracle sand does not stick to hands, does not remain on clothes, is easily removed from surfaces and does not leave marks. Its uniqueness is impressive.

  • Kinetic sand does not dry out.
  • It is 98% sand and 2% non-toxic, safe polymer.
  • 100% safe product.

Do finger gymnastics with your baby more often. This is an invaluable contribution to the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Children love when they knead their fingers and at the same time tell nursery rhymes. "Magpie-crow ..." many know. We offer this option:

Here - a twig on the palm.

A big finger is a young goose,

Pointing - caught,

The middle goose pinched

The nameless stove stoked,

And the little finger was making soup.

How to help your child speak

Children begin to speak each in their own time. But faster - those with whom they play a lot of educational games. We have prepared a selection of games that develop a child's speech. And even if while he only smiles in response or gives a cheerful "gu-gu", pick up and continue the conversation. When speaking syllables, explain their meaning. For example: "Be-be" - beeps the sheep. "Top-top", - feet stomp. Do not lisp with the baby. Otherwise, he will learn the wrong pronunciation of words.

Learning cards

Picture cards develop a child's mindfulness. With them, you can come up with a lot of games. For example in "Edible" and "Inedible". Sort them by signs and talk with your child, which is shown in the picture.

Or play Guess Who Came To Us. You show a card (toy, picture), for example, with a cow. And ask the kid how she hums. When the child says: "Moo!", Go to another picture. Ask and talk together - how the car hums, how the drum beats, how the mice squeak ... Communicate with the baby emotionally: change intonation, ask questions and give instructions - to submit the object, take it to the place, etc.


Through sound perception, the child learns to distinguish voices, objects, intonation. It is a skill that builds speech abilities.

Knock on the tambourine and repeat: "Boom, boom, boom." Rustle with paper and repeat: "Shhhh". Thunder with a rattle: "Bz-bz".

Rustle toys help develop fine motor skills, grasping reflex and promote speech development. They attract attention with positive colors and not a loud characteristic rattle sound. A toy made from natural materials does not harm the health of the child. He will learn to find the source of the sound and repeat it.

Children's books

It is important that one-year-old children listen to literary speech. It is useful to include audio stories, rhymes and children's songs. Read the crumbs often, so you will instill a love of books. The child should have several of them:

  • cardboard, with bright pictures, where there is little text;
  • puzzle books;
  • musical.

Play the game "What is drawn in the picture" with him. Consider together a book with illustrations that are familiar to your baby. First, describe it yourself, and then ask the kid what and where is depicted, who does what.

Do tongue exercises together daily. It helps to develop the child's speech. Sit opposite each other and, while pronouncing words, perform actions with your tongue. The kid looks first, then tries to repeat. Speak:

I was going to take a walk.

He washed, combed his hair,

I looked back at the passers-by,

Turned to the right, to the left.

Down fell, climbed up,

Once, and disappeared in his mouth.

How to develop logic

These games are not easy as they seem at first glance. But they develop the child's thinking and teach to know the world.

Children's musical instruments

Playing "Mysterious Sound", the kid develops an ear for music and logic. Just offer him as many sounds as possible - it’s more interesting.

And the rules are simple:

  • Place musical instruments in front of your child. For example, bell, xylophone, maracas, drum.
  • Show how each one sounds.
  • Cover items with a blanket to hide them from your baby.
  • Lift the blanket on your side and play on one of the objects.Now take off the blanket and ask the baby which one has just sounded. If the child does not show right away, slowly make sounds with each object again. When you figure it out, praise and clap your hands. Now cover the items and play again.

Children's balls

Place two or three balls of different colors and sizes around the baby. Your task is to show the child that the balls can be rolled. And not one, but several at once.

Play the game "Ball, roll!" With him.

  • Place your child's palm on one of them and say: "Kick the ball!". Help me, give me a little push.
  • When the ball hits, say, “Look! The ball is rolling! Blue (indicate color) the ball is rolling! ".
  • Do this with others, but gradually transfer the initiative to the baby.

Kids toys

The more varied the child's toys are, the more efficiently the brain develops. It's great if they are made of materials of different textures. The kid will learn to distinguish tactile sensations. And also - it will pump thinking and logic. This is easy to do.

  • Give the little one two toys in both hands.
  • And then offer to take the third.

He will drop the toy from his hands. But after a while he will understand: before you take another, you need to put one of those that holds.


Drawing develops children's imagination. We offer you an exercise that will help you develop intelligence multiplied by imagination. This is an invaluable gift for a child. What the baby imagines will become his life potential.

You will need water-based markers. These leave a bright mark and are easily washed off hands and clothes. Water-based ink is non-toxic. Even if an inquisitive toddler tastes them, nothing will happen.

Play the game "Five Fingers" with the year old. Very soon he will learn to better control his fingers, “turn on” his fantasy and remember the sequence of actions.

  • Use non-toxic markers to draw funny faces on the phalanges of children's fingers. So that each one expresses a different emotion.
  • Draw funny faces on your fingers too. Show your fingers to your child while saying:
  • The first finger says: “Hello! Where is my friend? Give us an answer! "
  • Two fingers say: “Hello! Where is our friend? Give us an answer! " And so for all five fingers.
  • Get your child to repeat after you. And help him fold his fingers correctly.
Note: "How to save diapers: 4 proven ways"

Watch a video life hack on how to make crayons

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