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What is skipping, or what is the use of a skipping rope?

Skipping rope Is a sports equipment that is used for physical exercise for children and adults. It is a leather or, more often nowadays, synthetic cord. Ropes are used as one of the sports equipment in rhythmic gymnastics, and they are also the main equipment in skipping.

The rope can be called a universal simulator and no one has invented anything equal to it.

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Nobody knows the exact date of the appearance of this sports projectile, but its ingenious simplicity suggests that people have found its use in ancient times. Roman frescoes have survived to this day, depicting wandering artists of the Middle Ages, as well as later drawings and engravings, which depict actions very similar to those that we observe in every courtyard where children play after lessons.

According to English legends, the jump ropes are like a reminder of the leather cord that Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus Christ, committed suicide. That is why jump ropes in ancient times were popular in the spring, especially during the Easter holidays. As a reminder of this event, they were jumped in Cambridge and East Sussex every year on Good Friday.

Even special clothing was not needed for skipping. You can imagine how our great-great-grandmothers jumped over a simple rope in luxurious dresses, on heels, striking the gallant gentlemen with their grace and dexterity. And looking at these ladies, the coaches quickly realized that this kind of entertainment can be used to train athletes.

Thus, already in the XIII century, London jockeys and boxers pumped up the muscles of the legs by jumping. And a little earlier, in all Italian and French schools of fencing, this method was used to form the muscles of the lower extremities.

In gymnastics, a rope without handles is used, instead of them a knot is tied at the edges or the edges are burned. Outwardly, they are very similar to a rope.

Such sports equipment are made of foam or nylon. A wide variety of colors are used - they can be monochromatic or multi-colored.

The length is adjusted in proportion to the height of the gymnast.

As mentioned above, ropes are used as a projectile in two sports: rhythmic gymnastics and skipping. As for the first kind of sport, then, most likely, everyone understands what it is. But what skipping is, few people know. So, the name “skipping” comes from the English “skip” - to jump, jump. This superfashionable word is named just our, painfully familiar, jump rope.

In the USA and Europe, along with the fashion for a healthy lifestyle, skipping gained popularity and began to develop as a new sport somewhere in the 80s of the last century. At the moment, skipping sports federations have been created in more than 30 countries around the world. In the countries of the former USSR, this sport began to spread during the time of Agnia Barto (in the 50s). But no one then knew that he was engaged in skipping. Children simply took the rope in their hands and jumped “with a turn, and with a jump, and with a run, and on the spot, and with two feet together ... In the yard and on the boulevard, in the alley, and in the garden, and on every sidewalk in plain sight ”. Soon skipping became one of the most common sports not only among children but also among adults.

No training for a football player or boxer can do without jumping rope. And this seemingly simple exercise develops not only endurance, but also strengthens the respiratory, cardiovascular systems, develops jumping ability, and also helps to get rid of fat reserves, also makes the figure slim and strengthens the muscles of the legs.

Jumping ropes are very convenient and funny things, we can say that these are some kind of inexpensive portable exercise machines. When it comes to burning calories, such exercises do better than cycling, tennis or swimming. For example, a person weighing 70 kg loses up to 720 calories per hour of jumping rope (at 120-140 jumps per minute).Skiing is a simple workout that anyone can do in the first place and at any convenient time. It is one of the best fitness-enhancing methods with almost no boundaries or limitations.

With a rope in hand, you can return to a carefree childhood with all its fun games and fun. But, of course, as a child, no one thinks about whether it is useful to practice skipping or not, the main thing then was that it would bring pleasure and joy. But as adults, taking the rope in your hands, you must definitely think about why and what it will give you.

If you decide to go skipping, then of course you will need a projectile for this. When choosing a rope, you need to choose the length that suits you. To do this, take two handles in your hand and pull them out at the level of your chest. The bottom end of the rope should touch the floor. In this case, the length will be optimal for your height, and this is the main condition for effective training.

Activities can be varied, you can invent anything you want. It is best to start with the usual exercises - with two legs, then land alternately on one and the other leg. Then do 5-10 jumps on the right leg and the same number on the left. Can be repeated 2-3 times. After taking a minute break, repeat the same set of jumps, just twist the rope back. Well, after that, strain your memory and do all kinds of jumps that only come to mind, most importantly, do not overdo it.

But there are categories of people who should be very attentive to this kind of physical activity. The first includes those whose weight significantly exceeds the permissible norms, and the second includes those who suffer from heart disease. Usually, both of them fall into the same risk group, since obesity and heart failure are closely related.

But more prepared people for physical activity can perform more complex, so-called, double jumps, in which it is necessary to double-spin the rope under their feet while making the highest jump possible. You can also recommend one type of jump - with crossing the rope.

This is done as follows: first, a simple jump is performed, and then you immediately need to cross your arms and jump over the loop of the rope. It is these jumps that are very useful for those who are trying to lose weight, since all muscle groups are involved in its performance. Skipping for weight loss can only be compared to running. If you do not have the opportunity or time to run every day, you can include jumping rope in your usual morning gymnastics complex.

Dr. Kenneth Cooper, the progenitor of modern physiological science, assures that as little as ten minutes of this sport affects the cardiovascular system in the same way as walking a bicycle about 2 miles for 6 minutes, or 12 minutes of swimming, or when running one mile.

The most important condition for skipping is an even distribution of loads. It is necessary to start jumping at a calm pace, gradually increasing it. This rhythm of exercise stimulates blood circulation. You just need to take at least one minute breaks to restore breathing and rest the muscles.

Skiing is unlikely to ever become an Olympic sport. Since, even the greatest lover of this activity cannot confidently call it a sport. But despite this, jumping rope is one of the most effective exercises for both muscle development and weight loss. This is because, in this sport, the effectiveness of aerobic continuous long run, the athletic power of a wide variety of jumps and special jumping exercises, as well as the aesthetics of dancing are combined.

Skiing can be either the only form of aerobic exercise, or it can complement and diversify others.For example, if you are away and you do not have the opportunity to do your usual cycling or other usual sports for you, jumping rope can replace them. But it should be noted that for practicing this type of physical activity, very high requirements are imposed on the body, it is for this reason that you need to train regularly, at least 2 times a week, otherwise you will not be able to jump long enough to achieve the desired training effect.

Now in many sports, the rope is used as the main equipment for general physical training. Because this exercise machine develops almost all the motor qualities of the body, and also with its help you can perfectly warm up the muscles before stretching.

If you strive to develop endurance, then the duration of such classes should be at least more than 15 minutes, says R. Ryoti, who is a specialist in sports physiology and physiotherapy exercises.

Some medical scientists estimate that jumping rope is approximately 90% effective for long runs, measured by calories burned and oxygen consumption. These exercises provide a stable training effect, and it can be increased.

Scientific research confirms that jumping rope can significantly increase oxygen consumption and cardiovascular fitness much faster than any other form of physical activity, without skipping making the body work as hard.

In addition to strengthening the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, such exercises also contribute to the development of endurance of the leg muscles. Jumping rope also improves gracefulness and coordination. But, unfortunately, skipping has almost no effect on the muscles of the arms. Therefore, if you need to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle or make them more flexible, supplement the complex of jumping rope with another sport.

A very big advantage of skipping is that it is not at all difficult to learn how to jump rope. In addition, most women know how to do this, since in childhood it was a favorite game. Also, for this form of physical activity, it is not necessary to have a gym at your disposal. Skiing can be done both outdoors and indoors, even on a small area. To the many advantages of jumping rope, you can also add the fact that a sports equipment does not require a separate storage space to practice them.

It is not surprising, but after returning to childhood for 10-15 minutes, that is, by jumping rope, you can correct your figure, bring health benefits, at the same time cheer up and have fun, while not leaving your apartment.

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