Useful Tips

The benefits of a bath.

Water has a good, soothing effect. So, for example, when you are tired, physically exhausted, when you notice that you are looking for a reason for a quarrel, then instead of "rushing" in a bad mood, try to take a bath. The bath can refresh, relieve irritation, relax, stimulate blood circulation, calm the nervous system, temper, make your body more beautiful and elastic. But regardless of the type of bath taken, you need to remember that:

* You can not swim immediately after eating;

* Too hot water weakens the heart;

* Bathing should be completed with a cold shower;

* Bath with herbs is best taken in the evening, just before bedtime;

* After each bath, you need to stay warm for at least a quarter of an hour;

* Our body reacts to the temperature of the water.

If you are tired, have had an unpleasant day, or, conversely, have a hard work awaiting, and you want to think clearly and look good, take a hot bath. Such a bath should have a temperature of 40 ° C, it should be taken no more than 5-10 minutes. If you hate sudden changes in temperature, then instead of a cold shower at the end of the bath, add some cold water to the bath to allow the body to cool down.

If you suffer from insomnia or you have nervous exhaustion (for example, after an exam or test), take a warm bath (35-87 ° C), which perfectly discharges, relaxes and soothes. But remember: it can be taken for no longer than 30 minutes. Excessive exposure to warm water reduces its positive effects.

A summer bath (28-23 ° C) relieves nervous excitement. It has a calming effect. However, the stay in it should be short-term, no longer than 10 minutes. It is good to start taking it from warm water (35-37C) and gradually reduce the temperature by adding cold water.

If you want to get back on your feet and feel refreshed and refreshed, try a cold, stimulating bath. It should be very short, within 20-30 seconds, when the body is quickly, repeatedly immersed in water at a temperature of 20 - 27 ° C (but it is better to take a shower). After bathing, rub yourself well with a linen towel.

It is useful to add ready-made products to the bath, for example, aromatic oils (eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender) or aromatic salts, which, evaporating together with water, not only give a pleasant smell, but also stimulate blood circulation, as a result of which our well-being improves. If these funds are not available, then use regular table salt. The salt bath has a calming effect, it refreshes and invigorates. Remember that a bath with added salt speeds up metabolism, eliminates fatigue and makes the body elastic.

Herbal baths with various medicinal dry herbs are very useful. Herbs can be purchased at regular or homeopathic pharmacies.

If there is a supply of appropriate herbs at home, they should be prepared in advance in the form of an infusion or decoction, then poured into the bath (for one bathing 200-300 g of grass, that is, about 2 pinches; various herbs must be taken in equal proportions). You can sew a special bag for herbs. After filling it with herbs, hang it on the bathtub faucet and start up a small stream of hot water, and after filling the bathtub with water to a third of its volume, carefully squeeze the bag and put it back into the water.

A relaxing bath is useful when you need to "recover" after a busy day or when you are going to a gala event where you want to look fresh and be in a good mood. An excellent remedy for such a bath would be an infusion of lavender flowers, medicinal valerian roots and pine needles. The same effect (soothing) is obtained by using ripe pine cones (2 per bath) and a few drops of eucalyptus oil to prepare the bath.

A cold bath is recommended when you have chills and a runny nose. In this state, it is useful to take a hot bath of pine needles, peppermint and nettle. Pine needles can be replaced with pine cones, and dry mint leaves - with mint drops. After such a bath, it is imperative to go to bed, take vitamin C, aspirin and drink an infusion of lime blossom.

An acne bath can be prepared with the following herbs: dry thyme, mint leaves, as well as linden blossom, St. John's wort and chamomile. A mixture of juniper fruits, pine buds and burdock root also gives good results. Such baths are taken every 3 days.

Those who suffer from purulent acne are advised to take a bath with horsetail, herbs, nut leaves, sage, mint, pine buds, as well as oak and birch bark. You can also take a bath with the addition of potassium permanganate, in this case, not much powder is used to turn the water into a pale pink hue.

Excessive sweating should take a bath, because it narrows the pores. For this, a very effective remedy is a decoction of oak bark and angelica roots (250 g per bath). This broth is to pour 1 spoonful of crushed young walnuts and 2 tablespoons of mint leaves. Pour the resulting mixture into the bath. You can also use an infusion of viburnum fruits, nettle leaves and plantain leaves in equal proportions.

A softening bath is taken with dry skin, especially if it flakes. Flax seeds and chamomile added to the water, cooked separately, have a softening effect. 2 tablespoons of seeds are poured into a glass of water at room temperature and left for half an hour. Then they are strained and poured into the bath; the gruel left behind can be used for a face mask (apply it while bathing).

An infusion is prepared from chamomile (pour 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain), also pour it into the bath. For flaky skin, it is good to add a spoonful of cosmetic oil, half a packet of powdered milk or a thick decoction of two tablespoons of potato starch to the bath.

Bath, makes the body elastic, stimulates blood circulation, refreshes and invigorates. Most often it is prepared from a mixture of juniper fruits, rosemary and thyme herbs, pine needles, sage and mint leaves. If it is not possible to make such a mixture, then you can prepare a bath from the infusion of nettle and horsetail (in proportions 1: 1) or from only one nettle. For such a bath, it is good to use a decoction of calamus roots.

A cleansing bath is essential if you are prone to blackheads and enlarged pores. It is good to use mint infusion here. Wheat bran has a similar effect (0.5 kg per bath).

When taking a herbal bath, remember not to use soap (the body should be well washed before that). You can take it no more than once a week, only in the presence of acne - every three days.

Healing herbal baths.

Before taking a bath, the body should be thoroughly washed with soap and water in order to remove the protective acid-fat film from the skin surface and facilitate the penetration of active substances into the body. After the bath, the body should not be rinsed with clean water. Never take a bath immediately after a meal, as the digestive process is disturbed and the cardiovascular system is additionally overloaded. The bladder and intestines should also be empty.

At home, a decoction for a herbal bath is prepared as follows: pour 1 kg of finely chopped plants with 3-4 liters of cold water and leave for 10 minutes, then bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Insist 10 minutes, strain and add to the bath.

Clover bath - against rheumatism. Mullein herb baths - for skin diseases: with neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, ichthyosis.

Bay leaf baths - for diathesis in children (1 glass of bay leaf for any amount of water). Cook for 20 minutes and pour into the bath.

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