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HOW AND WHAT TO REMOVE STAINS FROM CLOTHING - quickly remove greasy stains, blood stains, sweat, red wine, etc. from a jacket and jeans

There are three ways to remove wine stains: First: Soak the stained item in hot milk or whey for 30 minutes and wash with soap. Second: wipe the stain with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide in half a glass of water) and rinse with cold water.

Blood stains from clothes are better washed off in cold water. When washed in hot blood proteins coagulate and "cemented" in the fabric so that even enzymes cannot break them down completely. How to remove fresh blood stain:

  • Rinse the contaminated area thoroughly with a stream of cool water. Lather it with laundry soap and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then wash in warm water and detergent.
  • Starch, mixed in cold water to a thick consistency, removes starch well from silk clothes. Apply it and wait until dry. Then shake off the starchy crust and wash the item on a delicate cycle.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid will help to deal with bloody marks on woolen fabric. Dissolve 2-3 tablets in a glass of warm water, soak a toothbrush in it and rub the cloth.

To quickly remove old blood, use these rules:

  • It is easy to remove traces of blood on colored fabrics if you soak clothes in warm saline solution for several hours before washing. Take a tablespoon of salt for half a liter of water. Or use a solution of ammonia in a ratio of 20 g per 1 liter of water.
  • Old blood from the mattress or from the sheet is removed with warm glycerin. Moisten a cotton swab with it and wipe the cloth. When the contamination "leaves", wash with a powder. A faded stain on white can be removed without problems.

How to remove a greasy stain

An old, ingrained greasy stain dissolves well with any organic solvent - alcohol, turpentine, acetone. But they can ruin synthetics and wool. Here are some ways to deduce them as an alternative:

  • Lather the oil mark with regular laundry soap and sprinkle with sugar. After 10-20 minutes, rub with a damp brush and send to the washing machine.
  • Mustard powder contains enzymes that break down fat, so it removes grease stains well from clothes and even from a bolognese jacket or down jacket. Dilute the powder with warm (not hot!) Water until thick sour cream and cover the stained areas with it. Wash the item in warm water after 30-40 minutes.
  • If you've just planted a greasy stain on your dress or shirt, rub fine salt into it. When it is saturated with fat, peel off and sprinkle fresh until the contamination is barely noticeable. Wash the fabric in warm water and soap or dish detergent.
  • For fresh occasions, shaving foam can be used. Apply it and rub it well. Wait 10 minutes. Glycerin, alkalis and surfactants will react with the fat and dissolve it. Then wash it in soapy water.
  • Apply a solution of salt and ammonia (1: 1) to the dirt and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then soak in warm milk whey for a few hours. Rinse thoroughly in warm water and wash. This method is especially good for removing greasy marks from kitchen towels or old stains from the tablecloth.

How to remove yellow spots from sweat or deodorant

The secretion of the skin contains a lot of fats and proteins, which are eaten into the fibers of the tissue and gradually destroy them, forming yellow streaks. The longer sweat-soaked clothes sit without washing, the more difficult it is to remove sweat and deodorant stains. Do not use bleach or stain removers: they will not remove old dirt, and they will ruin the thing.

  • You can fight yellow stains from clothes with acetylsalicylic acid.Crush two tablets and dilute with a teaspoon of water. Apply the mixture to problem areas. After 10-15 minutes, soak the item in warm soapy water for several hours. If there are stains, treat them with an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide (for 10 tablespoons of water, 1 tablespoon of peroxide). Wait 10 minutes and start washing with detergent.

Water stains remain on silk and satin, so soak the whole thing, not separate places.

  • Soak clothes in warm vinegar solution (for 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of vinegar). Squeeze out after two hours. Rub soda gruel into discolored areas (4 tablespoons of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of water). After an hour, wash as usual.
  • Dissolve a handful of salt in a liter of hot water and soak your shirt or T-shirt for an hour. Then wash in soapy water. Antiperspirant and sweat armpit stains will disappear as if they weren't there.
  • Hydrogen peroxide saves from stains on white. Pour it over the dirt and let it sit for an hour. Then wash it. Yellow spots from sweat from white clothes will disappear without a trace.

How to remove red wine stain

You need to act as quickly as possible while the wine stain is fresh:

  • Pull the fabric tight and pour boiling water acidified with vinegar or citric acid over the blot. The stain should fade, then wash the item.
  • Treat the dirt with a slice of lemon, wait a little and wash.
  • Wine stains from jeans can be removed with salt gruel. Apply it to old stains and rub thoroughly. When the dirt has disappeared, wash in warm water.
  • Method "wedge by wedge": wash the red wine on the cloth with white, if not sorry for the product. Then wash the item with soap or powder.
  • Warm milk, curdled milk or whey are also good for wine stains. Soak the affected area briefly in milk and then rinse in cold water. Then wash in the washing machine.

Useful article "How to remove glue from clothes and surfaces"

How to remove rust stains

Since rust is iron hydroxide, any acid can easily dissolve it.

  • Place lemon wedges wrapped in a thin layer of cheesecloth over the rust spots. Heat them up with an iron and wash in warm water.
  • To remove rust from white clothing, apply a thick slurry of salt and vinegar to it. Wash after half an hour.

How and with what you can remove a stain from paint

  • Fresh stains from gouache and watercolors: hold the stained area under high pressure of cold water and then briefly soak in soapy water.

Usually, oil and acrylic paints are removed from clothing with acetone, white spirit or turpentine. But there are other ways to fix the problem.

  • Dampen a fresh paint mark with non-acetone-based nail polish remover. Rub until it goes away. Rinse the item with running water and wash.
  • Rub the dried mud with a mixture of 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter or vegetable oil melted in a water bath and 2 tbsp. spoons of washing powder. Scrub the paint well with a brush and machine wash.
  • Apply warm glycerin to the paint and scrub with a brush until the marks disappear. In this way, you can remove ink stains, ballpoint pen, felt-tip pen or marker.

How to get rid of a stain from berries, vegetables and fruits

The easiest way to remove dirt from the juice is to pour boiling water over it. Stretch the fabric over something to keep it from sagging and pour in water to make the juice as pale as possible. Then wash the item as usual.

Do not wash tomato, apple, or pomegranate dirt with laundry soap. The lye fixes the berry juice on the clothes.

  • Colored things will not fade if you process berry traces with egg yolk and glycerin (30 g). Mix these ingredients, apply on dirt and leave for 2-3 hours. Then wash your clothes in warm water.
  • Cherry juice and other berries are removed by warm yogurt or milk whey. Soak your clothes in it for a few hours. When the marks are gone, wash as usual.

If tomato or cherry traces do not appear, add a little citric acid to the solution.

How to remove an unknown stain at home

  • Mix a glass of warm water with half a glass of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. This mixture is almost universal, so well it removes unknown stains in the house.
  • After shaking the mixture well, spray it onto the dirt using a spray bottle. Depending on their age, the result appears in 10-20 minutes.

Watch a video review of how to remove glue from clothes and furniture

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