Useful Tips

HOW TO DRINK PROTEIN - how to take protein for weight loss and gain weight, when to drink

Protein is protein. It is divided into two types - "quickly assimilated" and "long assimilated". "Fast" proteins instantly energize the body. "Long" give up protein within a few hours. It is easy to recognize them.

  • Whey - "fast acting". It is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, an hour before training and immediately after physical exertion, as well as during the day after meals.

Whey protein comes in three different treatments. See the features table.

Whey protein composition

Features of the

Isolate (WPI)

  • Minimum fat and carbohydrates
  • Maximum protein percentage
Hydrolyzate (WPH)

It is broken down into amino acids, so it is quickly absorbed

Concentrate (WPC)

Contains 20% or more of fat, cholesterol and carbohydrates (lactose)

  • Casein protein (casein) - "long-playing" natural origin. It is taken as a food substitute and at bedtime. Casein "clogs" hunger and does not overload the body with carbohydrates and fats.

If you are intolerant to dairy products, look for a protein alternative. Study the table to determine which protein is best.


How to use

Meat (beef)

  • It has the same amino acid profile as whey
  • Replenishes muscles with energy quickly


Slower than meat

Between meals

Vegetable (rice, pea, soy, hemp and wheat)

The absorption rate is compensated by adding amino acids: drank amines (glutamine BCAA) and after 10-15 minutes protein (for example, rice)

Anytime you need protein

Compound (blend of casein, milk, whey and egg)

Absorbed more slowly than pure casein and whey

  • Before bedtime
  • 2 hours before training
  • If you can't eat in the next few hours

For muscle growth, we need 1.5-2 grams of protein per 1 kg of our weight. If you weigh 80 kg, then you need to get 160 grams of pure protein per day, which is contained, for example, in 800 grams of chicken breast. And given that such a protein is not completely absorbed, it needs to be eaten even more. By using protein, we can get some of the protein from natural products and compensate for some from sports supplements. It's easier. To find the right protein for you, look at three parameters.

  1. Taste... He must really like it.
  2. Ease of drinking... Many manufacturers add guar gum to the protein, which makes the drink thick and viscous, like a cocktail.
  3. Lack of aftertaste.

Don't rush to buy a huge package. Even if you drink a certain brand of protein, and took the same, but with a different taste - consider that you are at risk. The taste may not be pleasant.

It is better to buy a single protein protein, without additives (no creatine, glutamine, arginine, levocarnitine, etc.). Manufacturers dilute the protein with these impurities in order to reduce its cost and increase the price of the final product, positioning it as enriched with one or another additive.

How to drink protein properly

As for the dosage: one serving - 1 cap per pack (~ 30 g). This is the standard dose for 80-90 kg of body weight. If your weight is over 100 kg, increase the serving (add another quarter to the full cap). Well, if you weigh less, reduce accordingly.

About the volume of liquid. Dilute the drink to the consistency you like. Optimally - 1 cap for 250-300 ml. And drink. Protein shakes turn sour quickly and casein thickens, especially in hot weather. You can stir on water, milk, kefir and juice, but the best tolerance, of course, on water.

Life hack

Pour liquid into the shaker first, and only then add protein. Not the other way around. Otherwise, the powder is taken in lumps and a film of dry powder remains at the bottom.When you shake the mixture in a shaker, let it infuse for 3-5 minutes to reveal the taste.

How to drink protein to gain mass

So that muscles grow, in the morning, when you wake up, mix yourself a shake of "fast" protein. 15-20 minutes before breakfast. Protein shake gently raises blood sugar after sleep and boosts metabolism. Just don't drink your regular protein! You need a whey hydrolyzate (Hydro Whey (Optimum Nutrition), QNT Metapure Zero Carb). It has a high degree of purification (does not contain carbohydrates and fats) and a high concentration of digestive enzymes. This supplement is completely absorbed by the body in 15 minutes. Yes, he is bitter. But for gaining mass, you can tolerate this inconvenience.

The quickly absorbed protein will speed up your metabolism and persistently drive you to the table. And then don't yawn. Throw in a full serving of carbohydrates and proteins. For example, oatmeal and omelet. Or pancakes with cottage cheese. Or cottage cheese with jam, jam, or even better - with fresh berries or fruits.

By drinking green tea and taking a multivitamin with two capsules of fish oil, you will do everything possible so that muscle mass begins to grow right in the morning. Consider: vitamins are drunk 2-3 times a day. Follow the manufacturer's instructions.

But after a workout, you should not immediately cram in a snack bar or an apple, as many advise. Kill your appetite. After exercising, lean heavily on normal food, be sure to chicken or veal. Then drink it with whey protein: easily digestible carbohydrates accelerate the absorption of the eaten protein and increase the level of insulin in the blood. You will be like a brave maboutboatman!

In the evening, drink a "long" protein (Scitec Nutrition Protein Pudding, Strong Fit Mix) 30-90 minutes after dinner. The body stores food for the night. It is good for him and his figure is not harmful.

How to take protein for weight loss

Remember: to lose weight, you only need 40% of training and 60% of proper nutrition. So do not rush to exhaust yourself in the gym, go on a diet. We will teach you how to competently burn fat.

When you start sticking to your diet, the first thing your body gets rid of is not adipose tissue, but muscle tissue. By destroying muscle tissue, our body reduces the body's energy expenditure. This is his defensive reaction and cannot be avoided. By destroying 1 gram of muscle, our body uses it as a source of fast energy: for every gram of muscle destroyed, 0.7 grams of water is lost.

Considering that muscle mass is 3 times heavier than fat mass, you will quickly lose weight, but fat mass does not disappear anywhere. This is how all classic diets "work". The maximum you can break down adipose tissue by restricting food is up to 30% of total weight loss. After such diets, the figure can hardly be called beautiful, since it is muscle groups, and not adipose tissue, that create the beauty of bodily forms.

Protein is needed to reduce muscle breakdown. Protein can and should be taken from natural sources - eggs, cottage cheese, lean meat. But in order not to pick up extra carbs and fats, drink liquid or powdered proteins. Anytime you can't have a snack, right after your workout, and in the morning when you wake up. At these moments, the body is maximally depleted.

For weight loss, a portion of protein is needed less than when gaining mass. The standard indicator is 1 spoonful of protein per 80-90 kg of your weight. And you reduce the dose, do not pour in a full container, but less. And not whey, it is quickly absorbed, and casein is this "slow" one. It will be easier for you to cope with hunger, protein is absorbed more slowly, and the body will spend more energy on it.

Replace one snack with a low-calorie protein shake. It's easier to lose those extra pounds this way. Protein smoothies satisfy hunger and burn fat. Cooking is easy:

  • one glass of skim or 1.5% milk
  • half a banana or mango,
  • 2 tbsp. l. protein powder.

And a blender will help you.

Protein: reviews

Kuznetsov Vadim, comments on Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard: “Protein isolate is rapidly absorbed. It is indispensable for burning fat because it is high in protein.This is one of the highest quality isolates on the sports nutrition market. Tastes good (took strawberry / banana), no digestive problems. After training, it nourishes the muscles perfectly, noticed an improvement in the elasticity of the biceps, the fat left. One serving contains 25 grams of protein».

Zhukov Mikhail, writes about Iso Whey Zero, strawberry: “I feel the result on myself:

- after training (especially intense) I get tired much less;

- if you follow the diet, sleep and exercise, the result is noticeable on the body - subcutaneous fat melts, muscles grow, the relief is pleasing to the eye.

I use the supplement with meals».

Timofey, review on Whey Protein: “I drink it once a day after training, mix it with milk. The first effect was felt in 2-3 weeks. There was a dramatic increase in mass».

Alexander, 100% Whey Protein Professional: "I liked it, it gives the result. The muscles of the arms and chest become expressive. If you need to improve your relief - the most it».

Note: “Side effects and contraindications of protein. Protein intake - what is the benefit "

See Optimum Nutrition Review

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