Useful Tips

Various ball games for children

The ball has been a favorite toy since ancient times. Everyone plays it, both adults and children. In antiquity, the ball was associated with the Sun, which was endowed with unearthly power. Scientists now believe that ball games contribute to the overall development of both adults and children.


In ancient times, ball exercises were not only games. They resembled magical rituals. For example, in Egypt, each football team had to play for its own deity. Victory was also won for the gods. The ball was made from a wide variety of materials. They were woven from reed, carved from wood and bark, sewn from rags and animal skins. The balls were stuffed with what was at hand: bird feathers, seeds of various fruits, moss.

The first who decided to inflate the ball were the Romans. They also made balls from the bladder of an animal, which were then sheathed with pieces of skin. Central America has become the birthplace of the rubber ball. The Indians made the ball using resin extracted from cuts in the bark of plants and rubber. The games of the American Indians ended with a sacrifice. One famous navigator brought the ball to Spain for the first time, which subsequently conquered the whole world.

Ball games for children under one year old

Nowadays, it is rare to see children playing ball, which is very bad. This toy is amusing and quite interesting. The ball will leave the child with the most unforgettable experience, the game with which cannot be compared with any other toy. For children under one year old, make soft balls, crumbs. They are pleasant to the touch and correspond in size to the girth of the toy with the fingers of the hand. It is necessary for the child to learn to hold the ball at an early age, which helps to strengthen the fingers. The very first acquaintance of the child with the toy is important, which will subsequently bring him great satisfaction and joy.

At six months, a child can hang a bright rubber ball over the bed. The kid will willingly reach him with his feet. The movements that the ball produces will evoke enthusiastic feelings in the child. He has a desire to kick the ball with his foot again and again, creating one of the simplest physical exercises. This exercise helps to strengthen and develop the leg muscles. At the age of six months, the baby is not yet able to independently make such movements. A bright ball of a large size, inside which there is a musical device that makes sounds, can become a call. The child will definitely try to reach the ball, trying to crawl.

At the age of eight months, the child is carried away by throwing the ball. That's when you need to start teaching him various games. The kid with great pleasure tosses the toy with both hands, then alternately. If the ball slips out of the hands, then the child, following his movements, asks for the ball for new throws. The child willingly not only throws the ball, but also rolls it, fills boxes or baskets with balls. It is necessary to offer the baby not one, but several balls of different diameters at once.

If the child turns one year old, it is necessary to show him that the ball can be thrown into the basket by taking it with both hands. To begin with, this exercise can be performed in a sitting position, since a child at this age does not stand especially well on his feet. The throw is carried out from a standing position at a time when the baby is confidently on his feet. You can play ball not only in the apartment, but also on the street. The child will take great pleasure in throwing the ball to a slide, trees or bushes.

Ball games for children under 3 years old

At the age of two, you can invite your child to roll a ball down the mountain. Children love these exercises. This movement does not require much effort to push the ball.Then you can show the ball rolling along a narrow path or among toys. It is necessary to teach the kid to push the ball strongly and confidently, not to roll it to the side. Children especially like to roll the ball in a sitting position to each other, throw it into the basket or hammer it into the hole.

It is still difficult for a three-year-old to catch the ball, although you have to try. First, you can take a regular, small inflatable ball and throw it to your child. At first, of course, you won't be able to catch it yet. Then, observing how an adult does it, the child will try to catch the ball with his palms spread wide. If you fail to catch the ball, the kid can get upset. At this moment, you should support him, fervently scolding the ball. After repeated attempts, the kid will catch the ball with his hands and will be delighted with it.

Playing football will be exciting for the kid, even if the mother is the first coach. In football, it is important for a child to diversify their movements while leaving a good impression. At first, the child will not once hit the ball, but after many attempts to score the long-awaited goal. In this case, you should definitely praise the baby. It will be useful for the baby to throw the ball up. With such a throw, the baby straightens, strengthening the muscles of the shoulders, the spine is stretched and the posture becomes better.

Child from four to six years old

For children of four years old, games in the form of tossing and catching the ball are useful.

For five-year-olds, the ball can be thrown against the ground or a wall, trying to hit it without catching it. It is better to bounce the ball off the asphalt or flat surface. The successful completion of this exercise will depend on this. The child is carried away by the rotation of the ball around him. Here you need a ball with a bright pattern in the form of geometric shapes.

At the age of six, ball games become more difficult. The child easily rolls the balls between different objects, rolls and runs after him, throwing them up, hitting the surface, throwing them over long distances by various methods. It is necessary for the child to perform movements with both the right and left hand. This is important for the preventive purposes of correct posture and for strengthening the arms. These games are held in the form of family competitions.

In this case, it is necessary that the losses are combined with the winnings. Losses alone, as well as victories, only harm the child. Constant failures lead to a negative attitude towards the given game, and victories make the kid an arrogant and create a sense of superiority over others. Playing with the ball, you can come up with various exercises, thereby connecting your imagination. The kid also needs to be given a little foolishness, thereby bringing warmth into the relationship.

Ball and seven year old child

At this age, children are very passionate about sports. It is necessary to introduce the child to such games as football, basketball, rounders, table tennis and hockey on the lawn. At the age of seven, a child can already play such games. You can organize small teams of several people and enjoy the game. playing sports, the child not only strengthens his health, but also solves all sorts of problems. Thus, he trains memory and attention, begins to think quickly. Each game requires a ball of a certain size, and for specific exercises, the ball is inflatable. For a preschooler, a volleyball is better suited for playing football. In this case, the balls must be hard and well hitting the ground.

Distracted ball games will also leave a lot of wonderful impressions not only for children, but also for adults.

It is necessary to interest the child in the game, to attract his attention. It is not necessary to force him to play by force, and at the first signs that the child has become uninteresting, the game must be finished.

Regardless of the gender of the child, you need to teach him how to play with the ball. Movements will become more accurate and dexterous, bringing variety to your baby's life.

Each time, mastering all the new techniques of games, the child acquires not only self-confidence, but also becomes more agile, stronger and more independent. Balls of different weights help to develop not only the muscles of the hands, develop fingers and hands, but also lead to an increase in joint mobility. This is especially necessary for children preparing for school.

From all of the above, we can conclude about the benefits of the ball and its place in the life of a child.

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