Useful Tips

Diet for the skin

Diet for the skin

To be beautiful is very ... delicious! The correct diet will help improve the condition of the skin.

Every day we start with the morning toilet and involuntarily assess the condition of our skin - in some place it is excessively rough, somewhere it is slightly reddened, and somewhere it is completely callous, such as, for example, on the elbows. It is good if these are only external manifestations, but, as a rule, they reflect the internal state of the organism.

What organs are failing?

The skin can tell us about the state of all internal organs, and primarily about the work of the stomach and intestines, thyroid gland, liver and kidneys. For example, earthy, dull, porous skin signals poor gastrointestinal function. Dark spots that appear indicate liver problems. Rough skin on the elbows is an indicator of problems with the thyroid gland, hemangiomas (bright red spots) mean that vascular disorders occur in the body. The appearance of a red mesh on the cheeks, neck and décolleté indicates osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region and possible problems with the gastric mucosa.

Which diet to choose for different skin types?

People with skin problems most often complain that their skin is either too dry or too oily. Is it really possible to solve such problems just by changing your diet? Yes, it is possible, and I offer you a sample menu for every skin type.

Diet for dry skin

Dishes can be varied, but there should not be a lot of spicy and salty dishes on your table, as well as yeast dough. It is advisable to limit the consumption of white sugar.

There is an opinion that if the skin is dry, then fatty foods will become a panacea. This is fundamentally a wrong opinion, since dry skin occurs due to a violation of the water-salt balance. It cannot be restored by the predominance of fatty foods in the diet.


Muesli with milk ... Muesli contains vitamins A and B, which are essential for nutrition and good skin condition in general.


Green bean salad with walnuts. Soup - cream of fresh frozen cauliflower. Veal beef stroganoff with rice garnish. Nuts, like an oilseed crop, are rich in healthy vegetable fats that are essential to saturate dry skin. Cauliflower promotes weight loss and improves metabolic processes. Veal is a storehouse of amino acids, iron, vitamins B and C. Amino acids stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, iron provides a good level of hemoglobin in the blood, which, in turn, is the main conductor of useful vitamins and minerals to the skin. Vegetable fiber of rice and the vitamins C, B, P contained in it enhance the effect of saturation of dried skin with vitamins and minerals.


Boiled hake with carrots and celery ... The dish is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin C, phosphorus, which are necessary for internal moisturizing of dry skin.

Diet for oily skin

It is not recommended to abuse sweets, pastries, spices, instant foods, fried and pickled dishes.


Oven baked pumpkin with yogurt. Pumpkin will help fill the lack of vitamins such as E, D, C, PP, as well as magnesium, zinc and iron. We need all these substances to regulate the formation and secretion of sebum, which is very important if you have oily skin. Calcium-rich yoghurt improves the nerve conduction needed to nourish the skin.


Cucumber, tomato and feta cheese salad. Meat soup with potatoes. Fried liver with mashed potatoes. The salad helps to tighten pores and normalizes the acid-base balance of oily skin.The broth is useful for oily skin, as it contains amino acids that are involved in fat metabolism. Chicken liver is a source of calcium, vitamins C, E, A and B. Their sufficient content in the body removes the hyperproduction of sebum.


Boiled cabbage with eggs in breadcrumbs ... The dish is rich in protein, vitamins C, P, B, the essential amino acid tryptophan. All this helps to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and restore a good complexion.

An hour before bedtime, it is good to drink tea made from linden and mint flowers. It improves complexion and helps with insomnia.

If you have problem skin

What causes inflammation?

They can be triggered by overweight or underweight, improper use of drugs, cosmetics, weather conditions, as well as a change in drinking water and unbalanced diet. So, fatty and sweet food provokes a blockage of the sebaceous glands and, as a result, causes the appearance of acne.

How to adjust your diet?


Wheat porridge with pumpkin. Stimulates the removal of toxins.


Fresh cabbage salad with celery and dill. Sorrel cabbage soup. Turkey cutlets. The salad is popularly called "broom", as it cleanses the intestines and helps to normalize microflora. Vitamin C contained in sorrel is an antioxidant that optimizes skin structure.

Oxalic acid improves the functioning of the sebaceous and endocrine glands. Turkey meat is rich in protein, very easily digestible, does not obstruct the intestines.


Boiled fish with mushrooms. Phosphorus in fish helps the body to assimilate vitamins and minerals, and mushrooms promote the breakdown of fats and have a drying effect.

How to avoid "localized drought" in your body? What can be done to save the skin?

* After the resort or even just relaxing in the country in the heat , we expose the skin to stress - under the influence of sunlight it loses moisture more actively than usual. At this time, it is important not to forget about moisturizing cosmetics.

* It is necessary to consume the required amount of liquid. When giving preference to certain drinks, remember some of the nuances. So, fruit juices, due to the acid content, destroy the enamel of the teeth, so it is better to drink them through a straw.

* To combat dry skin it is useful to drink rosehip infusion two hours after breakfast.

* It is generally accepted that mineral water is good for health. But not every type is right for you, so you should not drink mineral water without restriction.

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