Useful Tips

Yak vibrati food processor?

* A food processor is a great friend in any kitchen! *

The quality and the variety of nozzles start. With more attachments, with more functions, you can use the harvester. Besides, whether a harvester is equipped with bowls, they will have more products. Now we are more familiar with the main components of food processors.

** Yakim is guilty of butti **** dvigun? **

The urge to move is responsible for the production of a number of products, as you choose to recycle and in the volume of bowls. If you have a bowl with a volume of 1.5 liters, if there is enough pressure of 300 watts. For robots from a three-liter bowl, a power of 400 W will be required, if you select more than 3 years of product, the combine will need 700 W.

Bagato virobniks are used, which is more tough, and the product is more fast. It’s not like that. All I know is to lay it down as a product. Until then, it’s varto vrahovuvati, but such a function doesn’t pour in and change the pressure of possession. Then, as soon as you try to pick up a large number of products, you will need to come for help.

What are the bowls?

The bowls can be shock-resistant and heat-resistant. Hits not to be maligned and not to be shocked, if you miss them. However, you don’t go around, you don’t get a stench, if you’ll be specially converting them to the best.

Thermostatic bowls allow you to pick up warm hot products. Deyak bowls go to the yak for taking food in the refrigerator, as well as for roasting the already prepared herbs at the microchille oven.

Varto I respect you on a large bowl, which is included in the set of the combine. It is necessary to vrahuvati, what a working mind be less than a big mind. If you choose to recycle a small number of products, select a bowl for 1-1.5 liters. For substitution of this or a robot with a large number of products, select a bowl with a volume of 2-3 liters. It is not necessary to pick up a large bowl, so it’s not handy to transform it into a small number of products.

Yakimy are responsible for the size of the combine?

Surely, you can take the attachments directly into the bowl of the combine, but turn it off, just before the cob of the harvester you will have the opportunity to deliver all the attachments and knives from the bowls. It’s not even trickier. The box for the collection of knives can be inserted into the body of the combine or will be okremim. Yaksho Vi will not be pragmatic, the harvester will hang for an hour on your table, and I respect you for yogo wagu. The food processor can be from 3 to 7 kg.

Do you have any attachments for harvesters?

From shvidkostі wrapping of a knife in the first hour of processing, the size of shmatochkіv will lie. The attachments for the harvesters are released, which do not only allow the fine-tuning of the product, but rather, add skibocks to the cowbass virobi or to beat the cream for the cake.

Most often in food processors, the nozzles are used ****:

** Blender ** - for a change of time. You can prepare tasty food for mlints, make food for babies, sauce or cocktail.

** Vinochok ** - for cooking wicks, biscuits, sauces. With it, you can get a savory sauce and a whip mayonnaise.

** Disk nіzh ** - folds for narіzka and shatkіvnitsі. Ideal for cabbage and other vegetables for salad.

** Mlyn ** - go for small quantities of products. For example, gorіkhіv, green, sira. Go yak for hard and soft products.

** Nіzh for cartoplі fr **** і ** - rіzhe straws.

** Knives ** - go for minced meat. Є knives, for the help of which it is possible to make a mistake.

** Pres ** - pidijde for cooking vegetable puree or soup-puree. With this help you can grow music from berries or fruits.

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** Grater at the disc shape ** - go for grating vegetables.

Chim more will be able to grind the harvester, and will grind the mass more and more. It is PLEASANT because you want to get a gotuwati, you can vibrate the number of nozzles that you need. Part of the nozzles is usually included in the harvester set, and you can buy additional okremos.

** Kitchen processors ** - are indispensable pomichniki for those who are quiet, who love gotuvati, but not be pragmatic for vitrachati for the whole hour. For the help of a food processor, you can prepare not only meat, puree, butchery vegetables for a salad, ale and pidgotuvati just for a juicy drink and treat yourself with a savory cocktail.

Our store has a great vibe of food processors for you, as there may be different functions. You can, one of them will help you in the kitchen.

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