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What is better LCD or LED TV, what's the difference?

What is the difference between LED TVs and LCDs? How important is the difference between them and how does it affect what we see on the screens?

LCD TVs are liquid crystal displays or monitors based on liquid crystals.

LED TVs are a semiconductor device that emits radiation (glow) when an electric current passes through it.

Read about the difference and what it gives to the average viewer below.

The difference between LCD and LED TVs

In LCD screens, fluorescent or fluorescent lamps provide backlighting. The LED screens are backlit by LEDs. Thus, we can say that we are talking only about the difference in the principles of screen backlighting, and not some completely new technology.

In turn, there are two types of LED backlighting. Simpler and cheaper - side lighting. Backlighting is more expensive.

In the backlight type, the colored elements are located behind the liquid crystal panel. LEDs of different colors turn on depending on the color of the image at the moment. This allows you to achieve a high level of brightness and contrast of the picture, which is unattainable for conventional LCD-screens.

Thus, here, in spite of advertising, one cannot talk about fundamentally new screens or any other "revolutions". This is just a different lighting principle. Although, I must admit, this brought a number of advantages for the consumer. For example, LED screens are significantly thinner than LCD screens.

Read more about the pros and cons below.

Benefits of LED TVs

LED screens have all the advantages listed above, to which the following are added:

  • the thickness of the case is much less than that of an LCD, such a TV can even be hung on the wall;
  • the contrast and clarity of the image is higher than that of LCD-matrices, and the image itself is more "natural";
  • LED backlight can reduce consumption by up to 40% compared to LCD;
  • Mercury-free LED backlighting
  • wide additional opportunities: modern models have a lot of connectors and interfaces for connecting digital equipment, support various formats of audio, photo and video, and even provide the ability to access the Internet.

Perhaps the only drawback of an LED TV is that it is somewhat more expensive than an LCD.

However, recently the prices for these screens have been decreasing, and LCDs are gradually leaving the market.

Generally speaking, that's all. And about the specific reasons for the popularity of LCD TVs on the example of LG products, you can learn from this video review.

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