Useful Tips

HOW TO INCREASE IMMUNITY - how and how to raise and strengthen immunity for an adult and a child

If you want to boost your immune system - quit smoking, alcohol, lack of sleep, poor food, the habit of moving a little and worrying about trifles. Do you know what is the main secret to fighting bad habits? You need to stop fighting and do something else in order to oust the unnecessary from life. Otherwise, everything will happen according to the principle “don't think about the pink monkey”. Shifting works especially well when it leads to meeting new people.

2. Maintain optimism

Scientific studies have shown that people who are sad get sick more often and more severely. The easiest way to recharge with optimism is to walk more often in the fresh air with your children. So you can learn from the kids to relate to life more fun, strengthen the immunity of yourself, and at the same time - raise the immunity of the child. Strictly limit the range of news consumed: most of them are the product of political strategists without a crumb of morality in their pockets. Buy interesting things: pleasant shopping really makes us happier. Cut out depressing movies and music categorically - get a good music center or TV panel and choose works of happy people.

3. Go in for sports

We have already mentioned hypodynamia above. Science Fact: One workout per week makes life much longer. Boosting immunity with long lasting effects, so to speak. Along with the cheerfulness of the body, courage appears. This is probably why everyone is so fond of choosing sneakers, bicycles and other sports items. They receive happiness now and reserve it in the future. But strengthening the immune system does not have to drive you out into the street: after a long office day, it is more pleasant to work out on a home simulator or an elliptical trainer.

4. Get enough sleep

With constant overexertion and lack of sleep, it will not work to increase immunity. Sports can help you relax more easily and fall asleep faster. While relaxing, you may realize that your mattress and pillow are resisting the comfort of your body. Change them immediately. An orthopedic mattress and pillow, a lightweight "breathing" blanket and beautiful bedding are also "vitamins" for health.

5. Eat right and drink plenty of water

It is not enough to eat one orange and expect vitamin C to protect you from viral infections. To restore and strengthen the immune system for an adult or a child, it is important to eat natural foods all the time. Eat fruits and vegetables, dairy products, eggs, legumes, fish, or meat every day, regardless of the season. Don't want to suffer from vitamin deficiency in autumn, winter and early spring? Grow greens on your windowsill. Read how to do it right here.

The main principle of healthy eating is more likely not to look for food-medicines (there are no such products), but to eat those that do not harm you.

Drink at least 1.5 liters or 8 glasses of water a day. Well, okay, at least drink a little - there will already be benefits. Drink clean water - at least from a quality filter. Better to rely on him than on the supplier's assurances that his water is from a magic well. You will be surprised how many famous brands of bottled water hold on to a wonderful well called the Faucet.

To always have clean water in your home, see how to choose a water filter

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