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GARDEN ON THE WINDOWSILL - how to grow onions, dill, parsley and other greens at home on the windowsill

Arranging a vegetable garden on a windowsill in winter is a great idea for those who want to get "live" vitamins. Even if there are few of them, they will significantly support the body. We will tell you how to grow greens on the windowsill - dill, parsley, onions, basil and lettuce - so that they are no worse than in a summer garden.

How to plant onions

Can be cultivated hydroponically or by planting in soil. The first method of planting onions is called mysteriously, but in fact it is a glass with water and an onion familiar from childhood. To create a beautiful garden bed, place a drainage layer on the bottom of a long pot. For this, any neutral material that does not deteriorate in water will do: sand, small stones, mineral wool, coconut coir. You can simply put a plastic or metal mesh with large cells in the pot. Insert the bulbs into the drainage layer one third of their height and pour water flush with the layer. Done. You can grow leeks in the same way.

For the second cultivation method, soil with neutral acidity (pH 6-7) is suitable. If your bulbs have not hatched yet, soak them in water for a day by placing the dish on the battery. Make a 3 cm deep drainage layer at the bottom of the pot, add 4 cm of soil, moisten it and insert the bulbs. Cover them with earth to the tops and pour. Keep the ground moist at all times.

Feathers can be torn off after 2-3 weeks. Do this in a circle, leaving the center ones to keep growing.

Parsley, dill on the windowsill

Parsley or dill seeds are best sown in a wide, low pot. They are unpretentious to the ground, but a drainage layer with a height of at least 1 cm is required. Soak seeds in water for 4 hours before sowing. After sowing, sprinkle them with earth and cover with foil for a greenhouse effect. When the sprouts hatch, remove the film. Water regularly, preferably with a sprayer.

Growing lettuce

It is not afraid of low temperatures and needs light, so it can be grown on a glazed balcony at temperatures up to +5 ° C. It grows well on soil with a large amount of organic matter and trace elements, which can be provided with the help of fertilizers.

Choose early ripening varieties: Lollo Rossa, Lollo Bionda, Odessa, Grand Rapids, Red Creed. Soak lettuce seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate for several hours and sow at intervals of 1-2 cm. Water and cover with foil until germination. The sprouts will appear in seven days. They need to be thinned by 4-5 cm. Leaf lettuce is very fond of water - so that it does not suffer while you are at work, you can use "smart pots". Spray it often with a spray.

The first time the bush can be cut after 4-5 weeks. After 2 weeks, the lettuce stops producing broad leaves. Such bushes need to be pulled out and new ones put in their place. Plant new seeds in different pots every month so you don't have interruptions.

How to grow basil

Fragrant basil can be planted in a pot in two ways - by cuttings from mature plants and by seeds. Grown from cuttings in a couple of weeks, you can "mow". Cuttings should be held in water until roots take root, then planted in soil for subtropical plants. The plant needs 2-3 cm high drainage, warmth (20-25 ° C), plenty of light, abundant watering and spraying. Protect it from drafts with a film.

Basil grown from seeds can be cut off only after a month and a half, but it lives longer than cuttings. Basil seeds should be soaked in a raspberry solution of potassium permanganate for 2 hours and planted in moist soil to a depth of 1 cm, after 7-10 cm. Basil cultivation will accelerate if you cover the pot with a film and do not remove it until the very shoots.If you do not have special soil, feed the plants with compost or gummate fertilizers. Pinch off the top of a mature plant to produce more leaves.

Note: "How to check honey to determine its quality"

For the peculiarities of growing greens on the windowsill, see the table below.

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