Useful Tips

Which Protein Is Better To Choose - How To Choose The Right Protein For Mass Gaining For Beginners

What protein?

Casein proteins (caseinates, micellar), whey proteins (concentrate, isolate, hydrolyzate), egg white and soy. Differences between protein for mass gain and protein for maintenance are explained.

For a beginner who decides to start using sports nutrition in his diet, it is always difficult to decide on the first choice. And this is understandable, because even speaking about protein mixtures, it is almost impossible to understand which protein to choose from all similar products on the market. However, "almost" doesn't mean it's impossible. It is enough to devote a couple of hours of your time to this article and figure out which protein is best for you, and which one is better not to think about purchasing.

What is the best protein to choose for effectiveness?

  • casein protein released from dairy products in one of two ways, "sour" or "freezing". Benefits: it is absorbed rather slowly by the body, due to which it is possible to maintain a high level of amino acids for 3-5 hours. Disadvantages: extremely poorly soluble in water, and after consumption leaves a bitter taste in the mouth;
  • milk protein is obtained by filtration of skimmed (skimmed) milk. Benefits: with a fairly high rate of amino acids entering the composition of milk protein, it has a low cost and is one of the most affordable types of protein. Disadvantages: due to the content of lactose, it is able to disrupt the work of the intestines, which leads to various, in fact, purely cosmetic problems;
  • Whey Protein nothing more than a by-product of cheese production. Benefits: very high efficiency, high content of amino acids and all this at a high rate of absorption. The rather flexible composition of the product itself makes it easy to mix flavors and other components into it. Has a low price. Disadvantages: given that whey protein is quickly absorbed, it makes sense to take it only before or after training;
  • soy protein made from specially germinated soybeans, as their protein is closest to the composition of animal protein. Benefits: the cheapest protein on the sports nutrition market today. Able to lower blood cholesterol levels. Disadvantages: low level of efficiency;
  • egg protein as is understandable, it is made from eggs. Benefits: the best protein grade of all analogues, as its performance indicators are significantly higher than the rest. High amino acid composition, average absorption rate. Disadvantages: very high cost of the product.

How To Find Your Protein?

As you can see, there are several varieties of protein, which differ in terms of price, effectiveness, side effects, and the like. There are other nuances to keep in mind. For example, soy protein is able to slightly increase the level of estrogen in the human body, which will even be a plus for women, but makes it practically dangerous for men.

Likewise, milk protein can harm people with lactose intolerance, and just make a healthy person suffer from extremely unpleasant ailments. In general, protein is completely safe, and the main point that we are trying to convey in this article is that even the best egg protein of its kind may not work for you. This happens quite often and is associated not with which protein is better to buy, but which is worse, but with the elementary immunity of our body to certain components.

In other words, your body may, following the genetic code, not absorb some of the components of egg white, making it completely useless, but be more responsive to other types of protein. So you should remember one thing: in order to understand which protein is better, you need to try them all and stop at the one that you like the most, that's all simple science.

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