Useful Tips

The benefits of twine for women and men

What does the twine give? 15 useful facts

  1. First of all, the twine is the prevention of such dangerous diseases as arthrosis and arthritis;
  2. The twine prevents varicose veins and, consequently, blood clots;
  3. Improves the human immune system as a whole;
  4. Thanks to the hormones that are secreted by the body during exercise, it normalizes the psycho-emotional state, improves sleep and health;
  5. Such important functions as attention and endurance of a person are improved;
  6. The pressure is stabilized. During stretching, the blood flow is directed to the vessels and oxygen is evenly distributed throughout all human organs;
  7. The twine helps to restore muscles after injuries and overload;
  8. Stretching the muscles during twine classes, we do not allow them to actively grow in breadth, which is so important for losing weight women;
  9. During twine exercises, all organs of the urinary system are well massaged and due to the flow of blood in the abdominal region, its prevention occurs;
  10. The twine activates the intestines - which gives significant benefits to the entire human body;
  11. When the spine is extended, posture improves and scoliosis goes away;
  12. Working out the muscles for twine helps to get rid of excess fat in the thighs, abdomen and back.
  13. With good stretching, the risk of dangerous injury is reduced;
  14. Thanks to the twine, the menstrual cycle in women is normalized;
  15. The twine promotes natural childbirth by increasing the flexibility of the hip joints.

This is perhaps the most famous and complete list of the benefits of twine, and now the following ..

How to do the splits correctly?

  • Before doing the twine exercises, warm up well, you can take a hot bath or shower;
  • Do not rush, do everything gradually and with pleasure;
  • Do the exercises smoothly and carefully, avoiding severe pain;
  • Workouts should be at least 30 minutes, preferably every other day;
  • Increase the load slowly.
  • If you study at home - find a video on the Internet for which it is more fun and correct to study.

When choosing clothes for training, give preference to leggings for sports - they do not constrain movement and follow the contours of the body as much as possible, which allows you to track the smallest result. Buy fitness leggings.


  • hypertension;
  • severe injuries to the pelvis and back.

Remember that you will not see the result immediately. But you will feel relaxation and euphoria after the first lesson, and you will feel an improvement in the general condition of the body in a week. Enjoy your workouts!

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