Useful Tips


The secret of "smart" thermal underwear lies in the material and density. Warms up with a bang, if you study the composition and dress correctly.

  • With wool, cotton, bamboo (Icebreaker, Smartwool) excellent heat retention. It is ideal for winter fishing or everyday wear. It is comfortable in it, even if it is -30 ° C outside. But until you sweat, it is colder in a sodden thermo than in regular clothes.
  • Synthetics (Biotex, Blackhawk) retain heat and wick moisture away from the skin surface.
Thermal underwearprosMinuses
Made from natural materials
  • does not fade or roll
  • removes moisture worse than synthetics;
  • sometimes wrinkles after washing;
  • costs a lot of money
With synthetic additives
  • removes sweat to the top layer of clothing;
  • does not break
  • sweat bacteria provoke odor;
  • if not stitched with silver threads or treated with antibacterial impregnation, you will have to wash daily

What should be the thermal underwear for winter

Choose a thermo according to the density of the fabric. Then, in tandem with outerwear, it will do a good deed. Look for the density markings on the packaging:

  • microweight - for sports in the warm season or in a sports club;
  • lightweight - best for jogging when it's cool. The more you plan to sweat, the more synthetics should be in the composition. The right combination for high loads: 100% synthetic thermal underwear + fleece sweatshirt + windproof jacket;

  • midweight is a winter option for leisurely walks. You will not feel the contrast when from the cold -15 ° C you enter the room, where it is comfortable +25 ° C;
  • heavyweight - when it is very cold or for the conquerors of Everest and Antarctica.

How thermal underwear "works"

The principle of operation is simple: thermal underwear "works" due to the multitude of air cells contained in the fabric and inside the fibers. The cells conduct heat poorly, therefore they contribute to its accumulation.

What is good thermal underwear?

Some of the wise said: "I am not rich enough to buy cheap things." Focus on quality, if you are at a loss, which thermal underwear is better to choose:

  • the material should be soft, pleasant to the touch, stretch and retain its shape after stretching;
  • underwear should be tight, like a second skin, but not crush;
  • cuffs and collar are reinforced and made of two layers;
  • the inscriptions on the fabric should not crack after stretching;
  • the seams are flat, neat, without protruding threads;
  • seams and labels are located on the outside.

Read: "How to choose thermal underwear for all occasions"

Happy shopping and a comfortable winter!

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