Useful Tips

How to get a child to read - how to teach and train a child to read books quickly

Children have a powerful imagination, and it constantly needs nourishment. The most proven way to teach a child to read is to buy beautiful books for children with vivid illustrations on topics of interest to him. It can be based on your favorite cartoons: the little reader will be interested in learning more about the life of cartoon characters. It's not scary if there is not much text. It is important here to show how many beauties are hidden in the letters.

Method 2: read together and with an expression

Sometimes children do not like to read because they do not perceive a large amount of information. Help them by placing semantic accents. Your expressive intonation will help pay attention to important details and tune in to the correct perception of the text.

Read interesting short stories, dividing them into parts. Ask your child to retell them from your words, and then check it yourself in the text. Ask leading questions to make it easier for him to master what he read. This is the surest way to teach your child to read quickly and engagingly.

Method 3: don't read to the end

You read fascinatingly and suddenly say: "Oh, I need to stir the soup!" And you leave the book open. After the soup, it turns out that you need to sculpt dumplings. The child will be puffed up, overwhelmed, over the "half-eaten" book, and then begins to read on his own. It will get used to it.

Method 4: discuss what you read

Psychologists say that children are not interested in reading, because it seems to them cut off from life. Explain the meaning of what you have read to your child using clear examples. Comment on life situations with quotes from books. Draw parallels. Make sure that "this book will help you figure out what and how." Especially when it comes to love. Especially undivided.

If the child has not yet matured to an adult understanding of life, include characters from children's literature in situations familiar to him. That is, fantasize: “I went to buy you a sky-blue pajamas with bees, but Winnie the Pooh took the last one. I stand, sad. And he comes up to me and says: "I'll give it to you!" And, reading about Vinnie, come up with new adventures for him.

Method 5: use your teen's love for social media

Social media is kind of like the enemy of the book. But what kind of erudites are we if we don’t figure out how to teach a child to read with their help? The method is designed for ironic boys and girls: you need to invite them to troll the literacy of other users. That is, to join the ranks of the Grammar Nazis. For which, of course, you have to hone your knowledge by reading good literature.

Method 6: do not force reading what the child is not interested in

If you don't like the book, leave it up to your child not to finish reading it. Experiment with genres, suggest science fiction, detective stories, adventure stories. Select books by age and development. It is easy to introduce a child to books with the help of children's encyclopedias. Children are happy to read small informative notes and look at bright illustrations.

Method 7: buy an e-book for him

If your boyfriend or girlfriend is embarrassed to carry a paper book, an electronic one will help them not to be complex. And this is not the same as a tablet. The book does not burden the eyes with bright lights and does not tempt them to switch to a movie or a game.

Follow these rules and the result will not be long in coming. Sooner or later, you will find that teaching your child to read and getting him to read are two different things.

See what a modern "reader" can do in our video review:

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