Useful Tips

REFRIGERATOR DOES NOT FREEZE, DOES NOT TURN ON, DOES NOT DISCONNECT - find out why your refrigerator is not working

The diagnostics described below are presented for informational purposes only and are not a guide to action. Trust the specialists for repair work!

The refrigerator works cyclically: 15-20 minutes it picks up the required temperature and turns off. Often times, trouble-free operation is due to improper operation rather than breakdown.

  • Check the position of the thermostat in the chamber. Perhaps one of the household members changed the temperature regime. The unit works without stopping if the thermostat is set at the maximum level.
  • Super freeze mode is on, so the refrigerator does not turn off.
  • Make sure the door seal is not damaged. Replace the rubber if necessary to keep warm air out of the chamber.
  • Defrost and wash the chambers from accumulated dirt. Thus, reduce the load on the compressor.

The refrigerator works, but does not freeze: 3 reasons

  • The thermostat that controls the compressor has broken. It controls the temperature in the chambers and doses the current to the motor. If the temperature regulator is faulty, the refrigerator does not cool, and of course, the freezer does not freeze. You cannot fix this part by yourself. Seek help from experienced craftsmen.
  • Freon leaks due to microcracks or bending of the tubes. Typical signs of breakage are traces of lubricating oil in the chamber. It hits the middle from the motor;
  • The compressor does not turn off for two common reasons:
    • refrigerant leaks out, because the compressor is idling, it has nothing to pump;
    • the refrigerant piping system is clogged.

How to check the refrigerator relay

Disconnect the start and safety relay. Diagnose it with an ohmmeter. When you find a break, replace the defective part.

Refrigerator does not work

The refrigerator does not turn on due to oxidation of the contacts in the electrical connections. Inspect and clean up any contact groups you can make out. Then reassemble in reverse order. Better yet, entrust diagnostics and repairs to competent specialists.

Read more in the article: "Servicing large household appliances"

Watch the video review of Hitachi refrigerators

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