Useful Tips


Zvichana lipstick є one of the most beautiful tools for cleaning the medium. Have titanium dioxide and rich fat at your warehouse. Dioxide is kindly cleared away from the skin, and the fat is polished to a blister.

  • Take a little old tube and cotton disc.
  • Apply lipstick to jewelery virib and rub it to a creak.

The embellishment is cleared out of blackness right on the eyes.

One short-cut - it is good to see only on smooth surfaces.

Technique # 2: brush with toothpaste

Toothpaste to avenge abrasive poliruuchі microscopic particles - creed, pisok and іn. The stench wonderfully vidalyayut poured from the middle embellishments, that does not dry up їkh.

  • Apply the paste to the brush. Bazhano, she has a lot of villi. Such more to clean the surface and more penetrate into the decoration of the wicker lance, hoops or earrings.
  • At the end, wash the jewelry with warm water and rub it with a soft servet from the microfibri.

As well as blackness on the lancet from the medium or not to embellish, try a radical way.

  • Mix ammonia with paste or tooth powder.
  • Consume viribs in a warehouse, use some water.

Method number 3: clean the oil with a egg

The whole method of "deishov" has been before us since ancient times, since the most expensive ones were valued more expensive than gold ones.

  • Put a cotton swab into the gum and rub the surface of the embellishments.
  • Let it dry and wipe it with water.

Your pendant or brooch is not only good enough to be cleaned, but not to get bogged down. Zhovtok zahischaє from oxides, which provoke darkening.

Method number 4: cleaning the medium with soda and aluminum foil

The best "recipe" for cleaning the media is one of the best. Clean the embellishment, put aluminum foil and medium virib on the bottom of the casserole.

  • Boil water and add kharchov or soda ash in it with a rosary for 1 liter of water and 50 gr. sodi.
  • Check out the docks of the sum, misinterpret and fill the dough with the rosters.
  • Soda and aluminum enter into a reaction with sulfide of the medium and through a sprinkle of chilin and blackness is not known. Lantsyuzhok or earrings to shine, yak new.
  • Rinse and dry.

It is not a good idea to clean the embellishments from the stones with "dry" soda. Abrasives are aggressively injected onto the porous structure of natural inserts - pearls, bryuzi, corals and others. Stone in an hour is cloudy and consumes its natural light.

Method # 5: cleaning the medium with water peroxide and ammonia

  • Take ammonia and water peroxide in rural areas, please.
  • Put the embellishments in the razchin. Be sure to shout it off, wager that America is still stinking.
  • Try ії in the range of 15-20 min, then wash and hang.

Do not soak the hoops and earrings, which are glued to the stone, and not fastened behind the additional "paws". In water, glue is rosmokaє and stones vipadut.

Zasterіgaєmo you: clean the srіblo with peroxide vodnya - false rizik. Do not be astonished at those who are kindly aware of the situation, who are actively involved in the reaction with the other cheeky words. If you don’t know the warehouse of your virobu, the result can be found in a wild bazhany. The embellishment will turn dull, a dark coating will appear. Every year the wine grows and is dull. Ale our meta is to cleanse the virus, and not make it more difficult. To that we are not happy to experiment and clean it with water peroxide.

Method # 6: cleaning the environment with an amiaku (ammonia)

Amiak is the easiest way, which is 100% fit for cleaned media with stones. The primordial blisk was turned to the dark stones, in seconds the blackness was found from the surface. Everything is required:

  • pour into a jar, curl up, ammonia;
  • poklasta tudi your hoops, lantsyuzhki, earrings, and energy zbovtuvati;
  • As soon as you devote it, wash it dry and dry it.

Wonder: earrings, peeled in amia, steel yak new. Zabrudnenya zіyshlo, kamenі znova syayut.

The best vyprobvanih ways for cleaning the middle embellishments - the most beautiful ones have emerged from the amiaku and the addition of soda with aluminum foil. Nashatyr shvidko razchinya to navіyky brood in importantly accessible places the weave of vіzerunka, nadaє blisky expensive inserts, not poshkojyuchi їх. Rozchin doesn’t compromise on the quality of cleansing. Alone, do not clean the cym using the virobi method with inserts, the stench does not come off for an hour soaking.

It is also necessary to clean the wrist or the earrings on the shvidku hand, to work for the help of the toothpaste or lipstick.

Do not be astonished at those who are good at cleaning peroxide, in some cases of wines they react violently with those little houses and settle down, as if it is important to be bothered. If you don’t know his warehouse, it’s not easy to cleanse them in a virobic way.

Korisna stattya: "Yak fry a potato, a stock bullet with a gold skorinka"

Marvel at the video, as you can quickly clean it with soda and aluminum foil

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