Useful Tips

WHAT IS RECUPERATION - how to properly ventilate an apartment, what is ventilation for?

  1. Dust

    The most thorough cleaning will not protect against dust if the windows are open in the apartment. And the problem is not only in the dirt: dusty air does not give a feeling of freshness when you breathe in it, and weakens the immune system of the respiratory system, contributing to respiratory diseases. Especially in children. For a country house, this problem seems insignificant, but in nature, dust replaces pollen. The beautiful flowering meadows around the house send you "hello" in the form of a yellow layer on all surfaces and hay fever - a seasonal allergic rhinitis.

  2. Noise

    On a noisy road, in a room with an open window, it is difficult to make out what is being said on TV and it is impossible to enjoy music. But more importantly, noise impairs the quality of rest: at night it interferes with deep sleep, and during the day it constantly depletes the nervous system. It is not for nothing that the doctors have established the maximum noise threshold permissible for the full recovery of the body. Residents of cottage townships, built far from highways, sometimes have to suffer from another circumstance - excessively noisy neighbors' parties.

  3. Money

    If you open a window, then air not only enters through it, but also exits. In cold weather, when every degree in the house counts, it is too much of a luxury to let heat out into the street. Take a look at a photograph of an apartment building taken in the infrared (thermal) range of radiation in winter: an open window glows brightest.

Recuperator - what is it?

A recuperator is a solution to window ventilation problems. It provides a constant exchange of air between the room and the external environment, mind you, without your participation. You just need to turn it on.

Despite the complex name, the recuperator is simpler than an air conditioner. Roughly speaking, this is a pump that removes air through one pipe, and pumps it through the other. To install the recuperator, a through hole is made in the wall, into which either the recuperator or its pipe is inserted, and the recuperator itself is located in the room. The first option is good for living rooms, since only the “hat” on the wall is visible from the recuperator, which does not spoil the interior.

As you can see, everything is pretty simple. It is not for nothing that recuperators have been widely used in the West for a long time.

What is the benefit of improved ventilation?

  1. The recuperators have filters and grates against dust and insects

    This is the solution to the problem of how to ventilate the room without "air debris". Get used to clean air, even if you live on a street with active traffic!

  2. Finally, silence will come to the house

    Since fans are running in recuperators, it cannot be said that these devices are absolutely silent. But the noise level of household recuperators is in the range of 20-40 dB, which is incomparably more pleasant than the roar of cars. For comparison: a noise of 20 dB corresponds to a person's whispering at a distance of 1 m, 40 dB - to an ordinary, calm speech.

  3. Savings when heating the house

    Keeping heat in the cold season is the main purpose of recuperators. Actually, recuperator in Latin means "receiving back, returning". They are arranged in such a way that the air leaving the room gives its heat to the incoming cold air. That is, you get heated fresh air that will not "stretch" your legs, back or neck. If you have autonomous heating, the difference between the bills before and after the installation of the recuperator will be very pleasant.

What are the recuperators

Go to the "Recuperators" section of our store, and you will see devices of different types. Let's take a look at the features so that you can choose the most optimal device. However, we also have devices for a small shop or cafe.

Air flow movement in the recuperator determines how well the cold air entering the room heats up.

  • Direct-flow recuperators: warm and cold air move in parallel in them. The simplest scheme with relatively weak heat transfer. In other words, in a severe frost, the air entering the house will not warm up enough, and this is fraught with the loss of precious heat.
  • Counterflow recuperators: air streams move towards each other; the exchange of heat between them is the most efficient.

Heat exchanger design also affects the efficiency of heat transfer between air streams.

  • Tubular recuperators pass air through the tube bundle. Simple circuit, but its heat transfer is poor.
  • In plate heat exchangers, air flows between a large number of thin plates. These units are more compact and have better heat transfer.
  • Finned plate heat exchangers are even more efficient in all respects thanks to additional ribs on the plates.

Regenerator material indicates the specifics of the device.

  • The ceramic regenerator-accumulator is a massive block that accumulates heat and then gives it to cold air for a long time.
  • The copper regenerator has a different purpose - a rapid exchange of heat due to the high thermal conductivity of copper. This metal has another important property: it kills microorganisms, so that the recuperator does not turn into their "nest".

The scope of application of the recuperator tells you what to choose for your home, and what will fit for the enterprise.

  • Household recuperators are installed in apartments and private houses with a small number of residents.
  • Industrial and household recuperators are used in offices, large private houses, cafes, and small shops.
  • Industrial plants are used to equip production sites, large supermarkets, hospitals.

We hope we have helped to understand this, at first glance, a difficult topic. Now you can decide which recuperator to choose by easily navigating in the “Recuperators” section. For your information, there is now a government compensation program for the purchase of recuperators and other equipment to save heat. Read more about how to buy a recuperator cheaper on this page.

Enjoy your breath!

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