Useful Tips

HOW TO COOK FISH - baked the most delicious fish in a slow cooker, microwave and fried in a pan

To soften the bones, the fish needs to be cooked longer than usual. A light pre-roast will shorten this process slightly. But for the sake of dieteticity of the dish, you can be patient. Chop the onion and carrots to the same amount as the fish and place on top of them in the pressure cooker. Pour the fish in equal proportions with a mixture of sour cream, water and tomatoes (acids are needed to soften the bones) so as to cover it with a layer of 2 cm. Salt, bay leaf and black pepper - to taste. Simmer for 40-50 minutes, remembering to add water as it boils away.

What well: at the table you don't have to pick up fish at all It will boil down a lot, and the finished dish will resemble a dense meaty broth.

What's for everyone: there will be no pieces of fish to chew on.

Ingredients: river fish - 600 g, 2 large onions, 3 medium carrots, 3 tomatoes, 1 bay leaf, 6 black peppercorns, herbs.

How to prepare fish before frying in a skillet or multicooker

We clean the fish from scales and entrails, cut off the head and tail. Now the main thing for softening the bones: the carcass should be chopped. With a thin, sharp knife, make incisions up to the spine in the tail and dorsal parts, perpendicular to the length of the carcass. It makes no sense to cut the abdominal wall, since there are no thin bones in it. The distance between the notches should be 0.5 cm or less. The more often they are, the more the fish will be saturated with juice during cooking.

Sprinkle the prepared fish with salt and spices, roll in flour. You don't need to put flour into the incisions. In a skillet, fry it in sunflower oil as usual, until tender. Shredded fish keep their shape well, so don't be afraid that it will fall apart.

If cooking in a multicooker, pour sunflower oil into the multicooker bowl, turn on the frying mode, put the fish on the bottom and fry on both sides until golden brown. With the frying function turned off, cut the onion into rings and coat the fish with an even layer. Mix sour cream with chopped dill, pour over the crucian carp and cook in the baking mode for 30 minutes.

What well: delicious.

What's for everyone: not entirely dietary.

Ingredients: crucian carp - 6 pcs., dill - 100 g, sunflower oil, onion, flour, salt, spices.

"Carb" fish before baking in the microwave

Carboing in the coastal regions is called a double, total shredding of fish. Diagonal cuts along the entire length of the carcass are made in one direction and then in the other direction. As a result, you will not only get a beautiful diamond pattern, but make even large bones soft. A white wine sauce with olive oil and spices will complete the divinely delicious softening.

Rinse the prepared carbated fish and dry it with napkins. Grind the garlic into gruel, mix with salt and rub the fish inside and out. Fasten the belly of the fish with toothpicks, place on a suitable dish, pour with a mixture of wine and olive oil, sprinkle with herbs and spices. Bake the fish in the microwave for 10-15 minutes at maximum power, checking the degree of doneness in the process. If you fear it will burn, turn it over. Put the finished dish on a plate and pour over the remaining wine sauce.

What well: spicy and tender.

What ... not critical: you can't just drive.

Ingredients: large bream or carp - 600 g, garlic - 3 cloves, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l., dry white wine - 150 ml, spices and herbs to taste.

See how easy it is to steam salmon in foil. The meat literally lags behind the bone!

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