Useful Tips

What is Tabata?

Fashion trends replaced step aerobics with Pilates, and then functional training. An entirely new way of training includes the interval exercises "Tabata Protocol".

Features of the technique

This training originated back in 1996. It involves high-intensity training, in which anaerobic activity is replaced by a short period of relaxation.

Izumi Tabata is considered the founder and inventor of the original method. After a long search for the most optimal duration of training, he proposed to divide the entire process of physical training into two stages: work (20 seconds) and rest (10 seconds). The doctor explained this by the fact that the productive functioning of muscles with a high power load is possible only for a third of a minute. The remaining time is spent on their full recovery.

An innovative approach allows you to feel the maximum effect of the workflow. This is confirmed by the official results of a series of successful experiments. According to studies, the speed-strength indicators of the muscles increased by 28%, and the absorption of oxygen by the body - by 14%. At the same time, the more frequent alternation of movement and rest helps to reduce fat mass 9 times more effectively than the traditional 45-minute aerobic set.

Basic principles

Circuit training involves repeating 8 times a single set, including 20-second work and 10-second rest. Between such four-minute cycles, you must take a break of 1 minute. For exercises, the set and number of which is selected individually, the following requirements are imposed:

• strive to use muscle fibers to the maximum;

• choose simple exercises for easy adherence to correct technique;

• in a third of a minute, perform strictly 8-10 repetitions with a mandatory burning sensation in the muscles and subsequent pleasant fatigue.

The most common choices are squats, planks, push-ups and a functional burpee, which implies the following changes in body position:

• sitting emphasis taken from a standing position;

• jumping up;

• transition to the lying position;

• performing one quick push-up;

• a jump that returns the body to the support while sitting;

• jumping up;

• return to vertical position.

Classes can be held 2 or 3-4 times a week.

It is very important to breathe intensively during exercise, without holding your breath, then a sufficient volume of oxygen will enter the muscles. It is he who promotes the oxidation of fat cells and the release of more energy.

First, a warm-up is carried out for 10-15 minutes. Then they perform about 3 sets. In the future, their number can be increased. The end of the lesson will be a short cool down (3-5 minutes) - walking + stretching. In total, the entire workout will take no more than 30 minutes.

Tracking progress and contraindications

You can evaluate your result using a special tabata account. The number of repetitions of physical exercises done in each separate set is counted. If the number grows from week to week, then there is progress.

It is not recommended to engage in this method of losing weight for persons suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system or obesity, because the technique, although effective, but at the same time requires a great load on the body.

If you want to test yourself for endurance and do not have medical contraindications, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a new and very convenient mobile application. In case of uncertainty about your health, we recommend that you consult a doctor on this issue.

Fitness app for Android

With the help of a convenient and simple application for your smartphone, you can conduct effective training on this technique anywhere, anytime. The main thing is that you have quality fitness and interval training clothing in your arsenal, as well as a great desire to achieve this goal. Despite the short duration of an intense set, the athlete can burn more calories than with prolonged work at a moderate pace.

In the proposed application, you can find not only a special timer configured specifically for this method of losing weight, but also ready-made lesson plans.

Having launched the program, you select the optimal complex for yourself. Exercises for pumping up the upper and lower torso, thighs, abs and other parts of the body are presented. It is also possible to develop an individual training complex.

When the application is running, a circular timer counts down the seconds, and the animated picture on the smartphone screen is a visual demonstration of movements. Each lesson is accompanied by a corresponding sound signal. This allows you to concentrate with great diligence on the quality of the performance of various movements, without being distracted by hours.

Especially for a group of users who have finally settled on the Tabata system, the application provides the ability to customize the training schedule and set special reminders.

Additional benefits:

• statistics that allows you to assess your own progress;

• the ability to save personal data in the cloud storage;

• synchronization with GoogleFit.

Despite the presence of an activation button, the application is completely free to use. You can click on it only if you want to reward developers for an effective program.

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