Useful Tips

YAK REVIRIT GOLD - yak є the test of gold, how to re-revise in the home minds

When choosing a jewelery embellishment in the pearl of the cherga, take some respect for a test. Another factor is the whole brand of the country. Vono obov'yazkovo guilty to stand with a breakdown.

In Ukraine, in the quality of the stigma, the trident is vicorist. One allowance for a vignat is the mark of a chestnut leaf viglyad. So the brand of the plant, whose laboratories got the accreditation for the quality of gold. Such factories on the territory of Ukraine are deprived of chotiri.

Whether it is a jewelery virib, which is sold on the territory of Ukraine, nevertheless, because of that, de vinous, is guilty of the mother of the Ukrainian stigma. Likewise maє buti is said to be a virobnik - so the titles are іmennik. Win viglyadaє yak a set of letters and numbers і for example і about rіk tavruvannya і about virobnik (only on embellishments, vibrated from 2001 to rock).

  • The first letter on the imennik means rik vigotuvannya (A - 2001, B - 2002, etc.).
  • Another - the code of the assay inspectorate (the guilty person was guilty with the code on the stamps).
  • The remaining letters are the unique code of the virobnik.

Mіzh іmennik, stigma and breakdown of any іnіhіdbitkіv but it is not guilty.

Up to the skin juvenile virobu ide yarlik, attachments with a europomboy abo zaliznoy - an old zrazka. They reproach the virobniks, yakі dbaut about the quality of their goods.

A label is like a passport of vidpovidnost. On new maє buti it is meant:

  • vendor code
  • Rosemir
  • Try
  • The price of embellishment
  • Price for 1 gr
  • Masa
  • Insert
*** PRODUCTS BLOCK (Gold lantsyuzhki) ***

The fortune of the castle is important for the purchase of lances, earrings, brooches, bracelets, etc. Guilty is due to being handy, reliable and does not appear to be on its own. All elements are embellished without chipping, scuffs and chips. Virib is guilty of being ideally smooth, and the skin stone - we will firmly fix it. Crookedly inserted kamenets - tse "beacon": crap!

  • On the hoop, there is a test and a stamp of guilt to stand on the inner side.
  • On earrings - on temples.
  • And on lancers - on a lock, on lankas and on all kinds of elements, which are seen. It’s as if in the castle the castle was decorated with shcherbini, which means that the embellishment is not a native castle, but, for everything, it’s a fake. Schob is more beautiful to look at, skim with a magnifying glass.

Ale is not so simple. We are most often amazed only at the appearance of the test, but not brutally respect is written on them. And z tsim tied a lot of all kinds of nuances. If you pick up three simple digits, you can insert it into those that you buy low-quality gold, it’s a replacement for gold, or for metal coatings.

Yaki є test of gold

Gold is a soft metal, it can be easily embellished with jewelry. For the preparation of metal virobes, add houses of other metals. Spіvvіdnoshennya cich houses and viznacha sample.

Razrіznyayut decіlka gold samples. The smell is also suitable for white gold.

  • Sample 375, 500 - low quality embellishment. They have only 37.5% (50% for 500 assay) gold, and they have a lot of houses. Yuveliri call this virib "gold, how to take revenge on me". Such hoops and bracelets can oxidize and react on skins.
  • 585-583 - chim vishcha test, tim vishchi vm_st of gold. 583 samples have ceased to be victorious since 1989. They replaced them with 585, so they could bring them to conformity with the previous standards. 583 samples are tested viciously on the old jewelery virobs and the hand is guilty of the star. Tse stigma vikoristovvali in the SRCP.
  • 750 standard - more like gold.
  • 958, 999 - finest gold fineness. There are three nines on the 12 kg bank gold and foreign exchange fund, which are stored in the state gold and foreign exchange fund.

How to convert gold in home minds

In this way, it is possible to find out what gold you have, to wind it up, if you do not try it on virobi.

Need a glass of water, kitchen wag and calculator.

  1. Call up the embellishment on the wagons. Razmіschuvati її in the center, be sure to trim the exact result. Write it down. My hoop tightened 2.53 grams.
  2. Put a bottle of water on the wag and zero the display.
  3. Take it with a dart or with a thread, and throw it into the water so that it does not stick out the glass of the bottle and the bottom. In such a rank, the water-tonnage of the virob is known. Look at your indicator. Mine is 0.19.
  4. Now it is necessary to distribute the mass for water tonnage. Simple as it seems, - it is dry in the wet. My vypadku went like this: 2.53: 0.19 = 13.32.
  5. According to the table, the type of metal for your virobi.



empty virobi




up to 5.07-109-1011,5
  • 375, 500 probes - 11-12
  • 585, 583 — 12-14
  • 750 — 14-17
  • 999 — 19,3
20- 21

My hoop is 585 assay gold. And yours?

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