Useful Tips

HOW TO CLEAN THE MATTRESS - how to remove blood stains and wash the mattress from urine, how to remove or get rid of the smell at home

Mattress dirty? Do not rush to give it to dry cleaning. You can clean and refresh yourself. Blot spilled liquid with a towel or sponge. To prevent it from being absorbed into the layers of the mattress. Apply a cleaner or stain remover to dirty areas. Or use the tools that are always at hand.

Steam the mattress. The steam pressure and high temperature effectively remove odors and dust.

How to remove greasy stains and makeup marks?

Test the cleaner on an inconspicuous area before removing dirt. In order not to ruin the mattress:

  • soak a tissue in a solution of rubbing alcohol,
  • wipe the stain.

How to remove blood stains?

Method number 1 - using starch, salt and hydrogen peroxide:

  • mix starch, salt and 3% hydrogen peroxide solution (2: 1: 1 ratio),
  • apply the paste to the stain,
  • wait until dry
  • remove the residue with a cotton pad or tissue.

If the old streaks persist, repeat this procedure 2-3 times.

Method number 2 - using baking soda:

  • mix baking soda and room temperature water. The hot protein will curl up. Then the blood cannot be removed. Proportion 1: 1,
  • apply gruel to the stain,
  • leave for 30 minutes,
  • wipe with a damp cloth,
  • blot with dry or paper towel. It will absorb water.

Cleaning urine stains

Method number 1 - using salt and lemon juice:

  • mix salt and lemon juice in equal proportions,
  • apply the mixture to stains,
  • leave for 1 hour,
  • wipe with a damp sponge.

Method number 2 - using a stain remover prepared by yourself:

  • mix 1 teaspoon of water, 1 tbsp. spoon of 9% vinegar, 1 teaspoon of washing powder or detergent and 2 tbsp. spoons of baking soda;
  • apply the mixture to the mattress,
  • wipe the stain with a damp cloth or sponge,
  • blot with dry or paper towel.

Method number 3 - using hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and soap:

  • mix 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide (3%), 2 tbsp. tablespoons of soda and 2-3 drops of liquid soap,
  • pour into a spray bottle,
  • use on pollution,
  • wipe after 5 minutes with a damp cloth,
  • blot with a dry towel.

Remember: this solution only works for 5 minutes after mixing.

How do you get stains off the mattress? Share your experience in your comments.

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