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BEST WHITENING TOOTHPASTE - which one to choose which best whitens teeth

Let's say right away: good whitening paste will not cancel visits to the dentist. The color of the teeth depends on the color of the dentin, which is under the enamel, and the whitening paste does not reach it. It only affects plaque and the organic film (pellicle) that covers the tooth.

Choosing the most effective whitening toothpaste will be easy if you understand the ingredients listed on the package. There are two types of brightening formulas:

  • based on enzymes and acids in combination with abrasives;
  • with herbal extracts and components.

Abrasives are small mineral particles that mechanically clean tooth enamel. Silicon compounds are commonly used under the general name silica, carbonates and soda. Silica is a more gentle option. Carbonates and soda can cause microdamage to enamel, which will become a gateway for caries or collect food debris. Thus, negating the results of whitening.

User reviews are almost unanimous: formulations with natural enzymes whiten best. They contain papain, an enzyme made from papaya fruit. It breaks down the protein structure of plaque, making the enamel easier to clean and polish well. 1-2 tones of lightening can be obtained in one to two weeks of brushing. These products are safe for gums and enamel and are suitable for those who have tooth sensitivity and many fillings.

Which toothpaste is best for whitening teeth

Whitening paste is a must for heavy smokers and coffee lovers. And also for those who have done professional whitening in a dental clinic and want to keep its result longer.

Urea peroxide (Carbamide Peroxide) and hydrogen peroxide (Hydrogen Peroxide) can be used as bleaches. They really bleach after a week of regular brushing. The teeth become lighter thanks to atomic oxygen, which is released from peroxides under the influence of saliva. Penetrating into the surface layer of enamel, oxygen destroys dark pigments and thereby brightens it.

But there is a minus: the enamel is gradually destroyed under the influence of peroxides. It becomes porous, due to which the coloring matter of coffee and cigarette smoke settles in it faster and stronger.

More dangerous than peroxides is titanium dioxide. According to research, its nanoparticles whiten well, but negatively affect the body, provoking the development of cancer. Good bleaching pastes should not contain this compound.

Be sure to ask your dentist for recommendations on choosing a toothpaste. After the examination, he will advise which one is best to use in order to whiten better, based on the condition of your teeth.

How to choose the right toothpaste

Before choosing a good toothpaste, study its RDA (Relative Dentin Abrasivity). The higher it is, the more the particles damage the enamel:

  • 15-25 RDA - for very sensitive teeth with increased enamel abrasion;
  • 50-80 RDA - every day for normal teeth;
  • 80 RDA and above - can be cleaned two to three times a week.

Useful article: "How to choose an electric toothbrush"

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