Useful Tips

HOW TO GET RID OF DEPRESSION IN WINTER - how to get out and overcome depression, its signs and symptoms

How to understand what you have: just the mood precipitated from the fact that there was no snow? A quality seasonal blues? Serious depression with which you need to see a doctor? Take a test for signs of depression and find out how winter has brought you.

Rate each statement with one of two options: "rather yes" or "rather no":

  1. You are overwhelmed and overwhelmed most of the day.
  2. This feeling haunts you every day.
  3. Ordinary life and former affairs have ceased to be enjoyable.
  4. You have lost your appetite.
  5. You literally "eat up" your mood and gain weight.
  6. You do not fall asleep well and sleep anxiously.
  7. You sleep much more than usual.
  8. Your energy has gone to someone else.
  9. You feel guilty and worthless.
  10. It has become difficult for you to concentrate.
  11. You don't see the meaning in life.

If the answers are "rather yes" 1-2, you're just in a bad mood. Read this article to fix it.

3 to 5 positive answers indicate a seasonal blues. Our article will do you good.

More than five positive answers - looks like a general depression. Along with reading the article, it will be useful for you to communicate with a psychologist or psychotherapist.

How to deal with depression: 14 ways

  • Show concern

    In depression, it feels like nobody needs you. Proving the opposite is easy: do good things for someone on a regular basis. You can volunteer, or you can organize a closet in the front door of your house to exchange books you read. The joy that you bring to others will definitely come back to you.

  • Go in for sports

    Best of all aquatic. It can be water aerobics or swimming. Water is considered a natural antidepressant in general, and especially with a new sports swimsuit. All kinds of extreme sports are also good - mountaineering, skiing, boarding and even sledging. It gives a sense of control over the situation and spurs the production of hormones in the body. This is exactly what is lacking in times of depression.

  • Love

    And do whatever is connected with it. Hug, touch, have sex. Contact with loved ones gives a feeling of security and raises self-esteem. Even if you do not have a soul mate, you will definitely find a loved one in whose shoulder you can just bury your nose. It has been proven that from hugs we get more of the hormone "happiness and harmony" oxytocin.

  • Communicate with animals

    People on facebook and in contacts are constantly looking for free owners for kittens and puppies. You just have to buy food. You can feed yard dogs and cats. They will give you no less love and adoration than your family. The positive effect of communicating with animals has been proven for a long time.

  • Change your surroundings

    Forever or temporarily. You can fly to Australia, play with the interior or run away to nature. It's nice and quiet in the winter forest. Breathe in the frosty air, crunch the snow, not thinking about anything. The main thing is to dress warmly, charge a thermos with tea and make these walks a habit. A familiar environment is one of the strongest "fetters" that keep a person in line with the same frame of mind.

  • Listen to the music

    Cheerful, light, cheerful. Everywhere. Burn a CD for your car radio. Don't part with your phone earbuds outdoors. Turn on the radio in the morning while you get to work. Walk through life dancing. Let the depression scare your good mood and run away.

  • Change your appearance

    It forces us to perceive ourselves as we are used to. But a plastic surgeon is not worth it. Cutting her hair is also not necessary, especially if the girl has been growing it since the age of five.A radically new lipstick color, stylish jeans with a classic jumper, instead of the usual misunderstanding, and you will see yourself on the other side. With which nothing bad sticks.

  • Do the cleaning

    In the head. Visualize a trash can and send there grievances, experiences, memories of the past, plans that have lost their relevance. And myself, aching and dissatisfied with life. In its place, create a happy and purposeful person - it won't work without it.

  • Keep a diary

    Write down the smallest good events in the world and in your head. This will create a “book of positivity” that will become a powerful anchor on the “bright side”.

  • Watch a good movie and read good books

    Immerse yourself with their help into another reality. And just don't read the news. And leave only posts from positive people visible in the social network. All the vanished people in the ban.

  • Try buthow

    Let this be the rule. Prepare an Italian dish today, buy another shampoo tomorrow, change the screensaver on your mobile the day after tomorrow, motor oil, route to work. Trying new things is not always expensive, but it is gymnastics for the mind, broadening one's horizons and fresh impressions.

  • Treat yourself with smells

    Massages and baths with essential oils are relaxing and soothing. The most anti-stress are the aromas of orange, eucalyptus, incense, rosemary. The purchase of new eau de parfum can be of great help to a woman's soul. Or even a citrus-scented shower gel.

  • Strive for comfort

    If you toss and turn in your sleep, buy an orthopedic mattress. Spend a lot of time at work - swap out your sitting chair for an ergonomic office chair. Since you have to cook often, give yourself a set of pots or a slow cooker. There is also good lighting: compensate for the sun stolen in winter. These actions will also increase your sense of control over life.

  • Sorry

    Yourself for your mistakes. People for the wrongs inflicted. Peace for his injustice. All this will no longer be different. You have to live with this, and live well.

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