Useful Tips

Damaged hair care

Damaged hair, care for them.

Every girl (and not only) looks with envy when a precious tiara is put on the luxurious curls of the winners of the beauty pageant. Have you ever thought that your attention is focused not so much on the crown as on the lush and magnificent hair of the contestants?

The key to victory in such contests, and not only, is a combination of a wonderful trinity: beautiful clothes + well-groomed face + luxurious hair. Of course, even the cover girls faced the problem of damaged hair. Unfortunately, most of us are familiar with split, matted, lifeless hair, all of which is damage caused by external and internal factors. It's time to learn how to care for your weakened and damaged hair.

So, let's begin. In fact, hair damage is breaking, splitting, fraying and coarsening of the hair cuticles. Damaged hair is often unpleasant to the touch, rough and dry. Such curls break easily, and then fall out.

To the most common causes of hair damage include the following:

  1. Frequent painting, lightening, straightening, perm.
  2. Too frequent shampooing.
  3. Excessively drying hair.
  4. Regular use of a hair dryer, styling products.
  5. Applying inappropriate / incorrect styling products or methods.
  6. Exposure to direct bright sunlight.
  7. High concentration of pollutants and chemicals in water.

Also, hair weakening can be caused by internal factors, such as the:

  1. Poor nutrition.
  2. Insomnia.
  3. Stress, both psychological and physical.
  4. Lack of vitamins, especially during pregnancy and lactation, also anemia.

How should you care for damaged hair?

Fixing such a serious problem takes a lot of effort and time. Although, this task is quite feasible, and therefore one should not despair. Modern hair products have an amazing ability to restore, but there are cases when it is almost impossible to correct the damage caused. In such a situation, the only sure way out is to just wait for new healthy hair to grow. Now let's move on directly to leaving. Daily shampooing should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. Such an intensive hair washing is recommended only for people who lead an active lifestyle or who are professionally involved in sports. The optimal regimen is to wash your hair every three days, of course, if it keeps its neat and clean look all this time. With a tighter schedule, the scalp begins to lose its natural protective oils. Tip: Shampoos that won't wash off such natural oils are high in protein.

Do not dry your hair too thoroughly, as excess friction can make your hair more brittle.

Use a comb or hairbrush only with wide-set teeth. You need to comb smoothly and slowly. Never scratch wet or damp hair, as it is very weak in this condition. Most importantly, remember that the most common cause of hair loss and breakage is brushing back.

Care should be taken to keep the hair moisturized To do this, use a gentle, mild shampoo and conditioner, preferably unsaturated. For dyed hair, we recommend using a protein-based conditioner and an extra-mild shampoo. This will help lighten the dyes on your hair and also make it silky and shiny.Protein and moisturizing components contained in the conditioner have protective properties from the harmful effects of sunlight and wind (while the hair shaft is protected by an enveloping film). Rinse off the conditioner thoroughly, as residues can make your hair look dull and make it difficult, already difficult, to care for it. However, it is he who is of great importance for dry, damaged, weakened hair.

Try to avoid blow-drying, wait for the hair to dry naturally. And if you really can't live without a hairdryer, then you should set the most gentle settings. Any heat from your curling iron or curling iron won't leave a trace.

Try not to be exposed to the sun with your head uncovered, as UV rays are harmful not only to the skin, but also to the hair. Use a protective spray or conditioner if you are in the sun for too long.

A head massage every week will strengthen the hair roots well, improve blood circulation. Even if it only lasts two to three minutes, it will have a beneficial effect on the nutrition of the scalp and will be very effective.

Frequent bleaching should be avoided as this will cause the hair to lose its natural oils.

In order to give the hair shine and smooth cuticles, experts advise using a few drops of silicone serum.

It should also be borne in mind that spicy and heavy food is harmful not only to the stomach, but also to beautiful curls.

The best way to restore damaged hair is through conditioning and deep hydration. This procedure should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist once a week.

When braiding or braiding, highlighting larger strands will do less damage to your hair.

Wash your hair with warm water only, as hot water will dissolve the oils in your skin. It is the natural oils that provide shine and protection to the hair.

Be sure to comb your hair before washing - this will help prevent tangles from forming. In addition, when you apply shampoo, you do not need to collect the hair at the crown - this leads to excessive tangling, which will subsequently lead to damage.

It is not necessary to use a large amount of shampoo, as the harsh chemicals it contains are, by and large, harmful to our curls. The ideal shampoo should contain an optimal, balanced amount of alkali and acid.

It is important to choose a care product specifically for your hair, according to the type and condition. Here only time will help you, well, constant experiments. Today manufacturers offer a wide variety of products depending on the season. Weather conditions cannot be excluded from the list of factors that have a damaging effect, therefore, in winter and summer, it is necessary to use various masks, balms, and so on.

To avoid split ends, you should cut your hair more often, do not radically change the length, you can remove only a couple of centimeters. It should be remembered that good scissors are a prerequisite for normal hair care.

During your seaside vacation, be sure to make sure that sea salt or sand does not remain in your hair. It is recommended to apply conditioner or balm before going to the pool, and do not forget about the bathing cap, which fits snugly to the head.

In Asian countries, women have used oils to moisturize their hair for centuries. Today it has become a ubiquitous fashion. Jojoba oil is especially recommended by the experts.

In order to ensure the deepest penetration of vitamins contained in the conditioner, you should "open" the pores of the skin on the head, and this can be done by steaming the hair.

The well-known healthy diet will be very useful to everyone, and you should especially lean on foods that are high in protein. During illness or pregnancy, you can take nutritional supplements, naturally under the supervision of a specialist.

Home care for damaged hair.

A depleted and damaged hair cuticle layer will help restore a pH balanced shampoo with a high protein content. To strengthen the hair shaft, deep conditioning, of course, protein-based, will be useful. "Elixir for hair health" at home looks like this: beat eggs, add a tablespoon of olive oil and lime juice. Mix all this thoroughly, apply to hair, leave for 20-30 minutes. Then apply shampoo and rinse thoroughly. This mixture is an excellent home conditioner. Here is an example of another remedy for restoring curls without the participation of a specialist: you need to squeeze a lemon into a full glass of water, use the resulting solution for rinsing. Leave it on your hair for 15 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with plain water.

The regular use of harsh styling products and harsh chemicals should be avoided whenever possible. With proper and regular grooming, your hair will be shiny, healthy and silky.

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