Useful Tips


The potential viewer will not hurt to make a small excursion into the history under the influence of the events of which Lasse Hallström made this wonderful film.

This dog was born in the late autumn of 1923 in the Japanese prefecture of Akita. Soon after his birth, he was presented to Hidesaburo Ueno, who worked at the university in the Japanese capital. The professor gave him a name - Hachiko, which means "eighth" in translation. This is how the scientist named his eighth dog.

Hachiko grew up to be a very loyal dog. He accompanied the owner constantly and everywhere. Seeing him off to work, he came to meet him exactly as clockwise to the very place where they parted. Later, the unique devotion and loyalty of this dog of all representatives of the Akita Inu breed will make it a symbol of loyalty and devotion.

In the spring of 1925, Hidesaburo Ueno died suddenly of a heart attack. At that time, Hachiko was one and a half years old. Continuing to wait for his master at the Shibuya station, he came to the same place every day, and as before, he waited ............ until it got dark. The dog spent the night on the porch of his house, which was closed ...

However, the professor's relatives did not abandon the dog. They made attempts to attach the dog to other families of familiar people, but, despite this, he came to the station and waited ... .. Local sellers, workers, ordinary passers-by who knew this story did not cease to be amazed at the displayed devotion.

In 1932, Hachiko became famous throughout Japan, when a newspaper was published containing an article about this amazing dog, which has been waiting for the return of its deceased owner for more than seven years. Shortly thereafter, a huge number of people came to the train station to see Hachiko live.

And he just came with one desire - to meet his master. For nine years, the faithful dog has been waiting for the return of the professor. And when the time came, the day of his death became a day of mourning for the Japanese.

In 1934, Papa Hachiko was immortalized by erecting a monument, which was destroyed during the Second World War. The metal of the monument was used for military purposes. However, the Japanese did not forget their hero and soon after the end of the war they recreated the monument.

Today it is a favorite meeting place for lovers. And Hachiko himself remains a symbol of selfless, deep devotion and a worthy role model.

In 1987, the premiere of the film saw the light, which was based on those events fifty years ago. This film told about the unbreakable love of a dog for a man. And on June 13, 2009, the world premiere of the American version of this story took place. One of the producers of the film was Richard Gere, who played the main role in it.

The film instantly won the hearts of sentimental viewers. For the most part, thanks to him, Hachiko's story has become the property of people living all over the world.

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