Useful Tips

How to remove (clean) a stain from an iron on clothes, how to remove (remove) a trace from an iron

Hot iron stains are removed by wiping them with a boric acid solution. After the stain is discolored, wash the item with regular powder or soap and warm water. To remove shiny stains from black items such as trousers or blouses, take clean gauze and soak it in a mild vinegar solution.

How to remove iron stains from clothes? There are several ways to help you.

Method # 1 - using detergent or bleach:

  • rinse the item in water. This will prepare it for further cleaning;
  • preliminary preparation: rub the detergent into the stain with your fingers and leave it on for a few minutes to penetrate the fabric. If there is no liquid product, then dilute the powder in water;
  • alternatively, use bleach. Prepare the solution taking into account the specifics of the fabric. Soak in bleach for 15 minutes. To make the solution better absorbed, stir from time to time;
  • after pre-soaking - machine wash. When choosing a wash cycle, follow the instructions on the label of the garment.
  • dry the thing in the sun.

Method number 2 - using hydrogen peroxide:

  • moisten a piece of cloth in hydrogen peroxide;
  • lay the damaged item on a flat surface;
  • apply a cloth soaked in peroxide to the stain;
  • put a dry cloth on top of it;
  • heat up the iron (not much);
  • gently iron the dry cloth that is on top. The heated peroxide penetrates the fibers and blurs the stain;
  • from time to time we wet the fabric with peroxide (it dries up during ironing).

Instead of hydrogen peroxide, ammonia is also used.

Method number 3 - using lemon juice

This method is not suitable for all fabrics. For clothes made of wool, silk and other materials that are afraid of bleach, this will not work. For other types of fabrics, the procedure is as follows:

  • Squeeze lemon juice evenly onto the stain;
  • place the item in hot water for 15-30 minutes;
  • squeeze and rinse.

Read about how to remove stains from clothes here.

Instead of lemon, they also use gruel from grated onions or gargle in a solution of vinegar. In the latter case, do not use wine or apple cider vinegar - they will completely ruin the item.

A few more tips on how to remove iron marks from clothes:

  • Gently rub large burn marks with fine sandpaper;
  • viscose silk is rubbed with wine alcohol, kept in the sun for an hour and washed with water.
To avoid such problems, the consultants of the store recommend auto-shut off irons.
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