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HOW TO CHOOSE LIPSTICK - how to choose the color of lipstick for brunettes, for redheads, blondes, light-haired

The trick is to choose a shade of lipstick, which should be slightly darker than the color of the lips.

  • If your lips have a pink undertone, shades on a blue basis - pink, berry, coral, will do.
  • Lips with olive or yellow undertones are refreshed with lipsticks with pink shades based on warm tones - orange or yellow.
  • Faded lips are painted with pale pink, sandy and beige shades.

The rich burgundy-berry color on the lips favorably emphasizes the skin tone, and any. Choose a bright shade and matte texture for a fresh, radiant complexion. To add gloss to your lips, apply gloss over the top of the lipstick. It does not interrupt the color, but saturates it.

Remember the balance in the question of how to choose a lipstick. If you chose a wine shade, use tones from the same palette in your makeup, only muted ones. For example, you painted your eyes with a rich burgundy (mascara, eyeliner or shadows) - put it on your lips, but lighter. Use a damp sponge on your cheeks instead of powdery ones.

Watch the video on how to apply a long-lasting burgundy lip

How to choose a quality lipstick by composition

Look for information written on a tube in small print. A good lipstick contains natural carnauba beeswax or candelilla wax, dye, lanonin. The base is natural wax.

The sponge is not of the best quality, which contains: synthetic wax, mineral oils, paraffin, preservatives, and the shelf life is a year or more.

  • If you see mineral oil in the composition, this is the first point to the fact that it is better not to take such lipstick. Mineral oil is a refined product. When interacting with mucous membranes, it provokes allergies.
  • Paraffin is harmful to teeth. When it gets on the tooth enamel, it clogs the capsule in which bacteria multiply. A thin invisible layer of paraffin does its "dirty work" even when we do not see the brightly colored layer that has got on the teeth.

The printed lipstick is stored for no longer than six months. If the labeling on the package indicates a shelf life of a year or two after you started using it, then there are a lot of preservatives in the product.

How to choose lipstick

When choosing a lipstick, look at the quality of the rod. It should have a uniform color without streaks and pigment accumulation. Otherwise, the lipstick was stored incorrectly or it has a poor composition.

Look at the silver or golden shiny part of the tube. It is made in bright chrome shades to set off the lipstick. Against the background of silver or gold, the colors look better. Manufacturers of such a lipstick are pierced at this point, when paint peels off from the packaging, if you scrape it.

How to choose a matte lipstick

Matte lipstick focuses on dryness and cracks. Before painting your lips, exfoliate with a mild scrub or finely ground coffee. Apply with your fingers for a translucent tone. Bring with a rod - get a rich color.

See the photo how to choose a lipstick with a burgundy tint.

  • Light skin - No. 1.
  • With olive tint - No. 2.
  • For dark-skinned and tanned shades under No. 3 are good.

Perfectly matte lipstick looks on plump lips. It visually reduces narrow ones in volume.

See How To Apply Matte Lipstick Correctly

How to find red lipstick

Red can turn you into a gorgeous girl in a moment. If you believe the statistics, it is at the seductive lips that men look, and we, girls, are knocked off our feet in search of the "very" shade.

The secret of how to choose a red lipstick has long been revealed. Focus on your hair color and skin type. First, let's define your skin color.

Method # 1 - consider wreaths on your wrist

  • If they are greenish, you are from a clan of dark-skinned, warm skin tones.
  • Blue - you are light-skinned (cold shade).
  • So you can't tell which ones right away - it means you have a beige shade (neutral).

Method number 2 - bijouterie

  • Everyone knows what suits her better - gold (warm shade) or silver (cold).
  • If both work, you are neutral.
Hair colorSkin tone: warmSkin tone: cold


Orange red, coral, copper red

Red with pinkish pigment

Brunette, Brown-haired

Coral, golden red, orange red

Burgundy, cherry, plum


Bright scarlet and orange-red

Dark red

On the tube, the color looks in one palette, on the lips with another. Therefore, when choosing a lipstick, do not trust your impression, but apply the probe to the skin.

  • First, roll on your fingers. If pellets are formed, the lipstick is not ice. The color is evenly distributed on the fingertips - the coating is even.
  • Then apply a little lipstick on your wrist - where the wreaths show through. The perfect shade for you shades them, they become invisible. If the veins show through, then pick a colder shade of red.

Red lipstick is applied to the lips with a brush or finger.

  • Place a spot in the center of the upper and lower lips.
  • With a clean finger, blend the color to the corners.

If you don't have a clear lip contour, draw on it with a pencil, and only then paint. A pencil in tandem with red lipstick should match in color. Or use a white (colorless) pencil. It constricts the path to keep the paint from flowing. In the center of the lips, make the color richer, the closer to the contour.

See how to properly paint lips with red lipstick

What color of lipstick suits light brown

  • The beauty of fair-haired girls with blue eyes is emphasized by pink lipsticks of peach, beige and apricot shades. And also red lipsticks of cherry, wine or red-pink shades.
  • Saturated lipsticks are suitable for brown-haired women with brown eyes: bright pink, dark peach, carrot, ruby ​​and coral.
  • On girls with light brown hair and green eyes, coral pink, salmon, orange, crimson shades, as well as bright red and terracotta tones look better.

See life hack how to make seductive lips

Lipstick color for brunettes

Red-pink and lilac shades are suitable for swarthy brunettes, with light skin, scarlet lipstick suits the face.

  • For brunettes with brown eyes, dark red and red-coral tones, as well as shades of chocolate, plum and orange, are just right.
  • With green eyes, you should pay attention to the classic red, to coral, red-brown and lilac shades.

Lipsticks for redheads

A bright lipstick color for redheads with blue and gray eyes is not an option. But natural colors (beige and pale pink) are just right.

  • Red-haired with brown eyes are suitable for brick, flesh, pale pink shades, and cherry.
  • The beauty of green-eyed is emphasized by caramel and coral shades.

Which lipstick color suits blondes

Suitable for blondes with blue eyes, nude (neutral) lipsticks in flesh tones - light chocolate, cappuccino, golden pink, pink and wine.

What is nude lipstick

These are colors that are close to the natural color of the lips, only a slightly expressive, juicy shade.

  • For blondes with green eyes, warm shades of pink are beneficial: light pink, orange pink, yellowish pink, peach pink, and light lilac.
  • For brown eyes, discreet tones of red, pink or brown are suitable.
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