Useful Tips

PAGE SEARCH - how to find a word on the site, search in the Word

To find a word or its combination on a laptop or computer, press the "hot" keys on the keyboard - Ctrl + F or F3... This combination is standard for all browsers (Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, IE, Yandex browser, Safari).

If searching on Mac, enter the combination - ⌘ + F.

  • The search bar will appear on the browser page:
    • Google Chrome and Yandex - in the upper right corner;
    • Internet Explorer and Opera - in the upper left corner;
    • Mozilla Firefox - in the lower left corner.
  • Type your search word or phrase. Matching results are highlighted.

The arrows in the search menu show the next or previous results.

Search on a page through the menu

On the web page, enter the search menu and select the "Find" option in the drop-down window

Write a query in the search bar → press Enter → the desired words will be highlighted on the page with a yellow background.

How to find a word from your smartphone

  • Open the web page → click on the "More" icon.
  • In the pop-up menu, click "Find on page".

  • In the search box, write the desired phrase → click "Search".

The process of searching for a word on a website is the same for Android and iOS smartphones.

Note: "Which is better - film or glass for the phone"

Watch the video how to find a word in Word

$config[zx-auto] not found$config[zx-overlay] not found