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PC owners can now play Guitar Hero III too.

Guitar Him. Until recently, this game was available only to owners of Sony PlayStation 2, but releasing the third part, the developers decided to make a present for the owners of other platforms, in particular, PC. I don’t know how anyone, but I was waiting for this game with bated breath.

So you can't play guitar yet? Nothing wrong! Go to the store, buy Guitar Hero III, install the game, connect the special controller that comes with the kit, make the volume higher and go ahead and get your neighbors with melodic Guns'n'Roses-style bruises, furious action movies from the Motley Crew or Deep Purple repertoire.

Like any game of this kind, Guitar Hero III is not very complicated and far-fetched, all you need is to press the guitar buttons to the beat of the music and according to the images on the screen. But do not be disappointed that Guitar Hero III is a banal fun for newborns. The fact is that the game is built in such a way that when you press a key, the sound of the guitar harmoniously merges into the background melody, and this creates the impression that you yourself are skillfully “laboring”, and not just “stomping” on the buttons according to a given scenario.

If you have not played the previous parts of the game on the console, then you should not set a high level of difficulty right away - it is better to start with the simplest one, which uses only three frets out of five possible. Over time, you can raise the difficulty, but, by the way, at the "expert" level I could not play the legendary Smoke on the Water.

Anyone who has played Frets on Fire before will be asked why the guitar is in play at all, because we can play from the keyboard as well. I myself cannot answer this question, but after I gave the game to my wife and asked the same question, she answered me: “I chose my character, chose a guitar for him, and when he started laughing at me, mock me that I can't even play the scale, or just grinning, he defiantly smashed the handsome Gibson Flying Guitar on the floor, I just couldn't help laughing. " So playing with a guitar simply cannot be compared to a keyboard.

But let's get back directly to the game. The single player mode is not as interesting as we would like, it is able to captivate for a couple of evenings, but not more. Duel on Guitars is another matter. If you have invited guests and want to have a really cool party, then you should start Guitar

Hero III is in this mode, and your guests will never go home.

In this mode, the main thing is not to play the composition perfectly, but to score more points than a friend. Moreover, it is allowed to play not the same parts, but, for example, a guitar solo part and a bass part, or an acoustic solo. All the fun that happens during the Guitar Duel simply cannot be described on the pages of the magazine, you would just look at the antics of gamers, especially casual ones, when a guitar falls into their hands, there is a monitor with a large diagonal next to it, and a painfully nagging sound begins to sound in the speakers soul hit. The main thing is to take care of the guitar from the most impressionable friends - after all, this is a very fragile thing, and buying a second one will be a very big problem.

Well, to summarize, I will add a little bit of tar to this barrel of honey. The fact is that, unlike the first and second parts of the game, in Guitar Hero III now not only classic rock compositions in this part we can hear quite a lot of bands that have nothing to do with rock in general, or even frankly "pop" ones. But, in spite of everything, this project will be able to warm up PC owners for a while, that not only PlayStation owners can play such wonderful projects. I'll say goodbye to this and run back to play Guitar Hero III.

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