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WHAT BAKING FORM IS BETTER - silicone bakeware harm, reviews

Silicone baked goods are not crispy. But it is easy to remove it after cooking. It is enough to bend the surface to make the cake "move away" from the walls. But first, let it cool down.

Silicone has a non-stick coating: the dough does not burn and does not stick to the bottom of the mold. It is enough to lubricate it once before using it for the first time. This form is used in any ovens - gas, electric, microwave ovens and airfryer. It is also convenient to freeze food in it. The material can withstand a wide temperature range - from -60 to + 250 ° C, but does not withstand contact with a flame.

Despite their "pluses", reviews about silicone baking dishes on the forums are ambiguous.

“I just bought one of these for myself. Today I baked muffins, everything is fine, nothing smells. But my friend once brought molds, also silicone, we baked something in them, and an unpleasant smell emanated from them. I don't even know what it depends on. " Sandra, source:

And here is another, but similar review on the same forum from Svetlana:

“Today I bought separate cupcakes for the cupcakes, came home and smelled them and threw them into the trash, they were packed (((The smell is disgusting, this should not be with food plastic or silicone, just before that I took a large one and it is completely odorless, but these small stinks well, in general, horror. " A source:

To choose a good quality baking dish, pay attention to the following.

  • Smell... Good silicone does not smell. But in the composition of low-quality there are toxic formaldehydes, phenols and various types of hephthalites. They are added to give the silicone more elasticity. Sometimes the smell is masked with pleasant fragrances and fragrances. The deception will be revealed later, when you take out the finished baked goods from the oven, smelling of burnt rubber.
  • Color... Don't buy bright silicone molds. In their production, organic metal dyes are used, which are harmful to health. Choose neutral shades (brick, brown, gray) - safe dyes based on iron oxides are used to obtain these colors.
  • Material quality... It's easy to check: bend the edges of the mold. If they turned white, cheap material was used. In a quality product, the material does not change color.
  • GOST or DSTU marking indicates product compliance with government regulations.

Lekue Muffins & Kids in Platinum Safe Silicone

What can be cooked in silicone molds?

These are the best tins for muffins, muffins, meringues and biscuits. The low thermal conductivity of the material guarantees even baking, without charred edges and a damp center.

Silicone is soft, so it does not hold its shape. Place it in the oven on a baking sheet or wire shelf to prevent the dough from spilling out.

How to choose a baking dish

The high-quality shape can withstand high temperatures, has good thermal conductivity and has non-stick properties. She also parted easily with finished baked goods. Cookware made of different materials has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Teflon coating

Protects food from sticking. But the slightest scratch on the baking sheet turns it into a toxic weapon: a damaged coating does not protect food from harmful metal ions. Therefore, say goodbye to the form immediately and without regrets.

Berghoff Perfect Slice with notches on the body and cutting tool

When choosing non-stick baking trays and forms, pay attention to the quality of the coating.

  • It should be smooth, without dents and dents, without chips.
  • Look for the DSTU marking. It will protect you from counterfeiting.

According to DuPont, Teflon can withstand temperatures up to 260 ° C.At higher temperatures, it melts and releases poisonous gases. Therefore, do not overheat the trays.

Metal molds

In aluminum and steel molds, biscuits, shortcrust dough tartlets and cakes are especially successful. Metal conducts heat well and heats up quickly. Baked goods cook faster than ceramics or cast iron.

A high-quality shape must be strong, with walls at least 3-5 mm thick. Thin ones heat up quickly, so the fluffy pastry is baked unevenly, burning from the bottom and remaining moist on the inside.

It is more convenient to get cakes and rolls from detachable forms. But make sure that the model you like has good metal. Because the soft flexes under the weight of the dough, forming cracks. The liquid base will leak out, contaminating the work area and oven cavity. After one or two uses, a poor-quality form will become unusable.

Glass molds

Great for baking. Due to its low thermal conductivity, heat-resistant glass maintains product temperature for a long time. To darken meatballs or cabbage rolls with gravy in them - that's it!

Pyrex Optimum shape is microwave-safe

Glass does not emit harmful substances when heated. Therefore, the taste of the dish will be the way you intended it - without foreign smells and aftertastes. Through the transparent walls, it is easy to control the readiness of the dish without opening the oven door. The finished dish can be served directly in the dish. Due to the low thermal conductivity of glass, it cools down more slowly, and it looks beautiful.

Glass molds do not like temperature extremes. Do not put them in a hot oven or rinse them hot, otherwise they will crack.

Ceramic molds

They heat up slowly, but baked goods in them are baked evenly. Thanks to the porous breathable walls, the dish in the ceramics languishes in its own juice, preserving the nutrients. The vegetables are juicy, the meat is tender, and the pies are golden brown and well baked.

The ceramics are beautiful, so the dish can be served hot and hot right on the table. In ceramic form, it begs for it on Instagram.

Emile Henry Classique shape for a cozy tea party

To prevent the ceramic pan from cracking, place the baked goods in a cold or warm oven.

Ceramics are ideal for soufflés, casseroles, fruit scrumbles that are difficult to remove from the mold, baking meat or poultry. Unglazed ceramics absorb grease and odors and are difficult to clean. Buy separate tins for different dishes if you don't want the chicken to smell like salmon and apple pie to smell like lasagna.

Cast iron

It heats up for a long time and evenly, the dishes languish in it, like in an oven. Cast iron molds are reliable and easy to maintain. They only get better from long-term use. Over time, a microfilm forms on their surface, which protects the baked goods from burning.

But cast iron has two drawbacks.

  • It rusts. Dry the mold after washing, grease with vegetable oil and heat before use.
  • It's heavy.

Disposable Forms

A great option for those who do not like to wash the molds. Parchment paper repels grease, does not stick to the dough and conducts heat easily. Looks aesthetically pleasing on baked goods.

To prevent the cupcakes from burning, brush the bottom and sides of the pan with butter.

Baking dish: which is best for which dishes

  • Round... The cakes are made with perfectly straight edges. For baking cakes, buy tins with high sides - 4-6 cm; for pizza - 1-2 cm.
  • With a hole in the middle... Hot air enters the center of the dessert. This will make the cake tall, fluffy and evenly baked.
  • For baking bread and cakes tall forms of small diameter are good. If you are having trouble taking baked goods out of tall dishes, buy a split baking dish.

Note: "How to choose an electric oven instead of a gluttonous oven"

Watch a video life hack on how to make a cheesecake at home

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